Chapter 45- Yuan sees Yuan

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A.N: Helloooo! Today is the Author's birthday special 💜 Keep me in your prayers so that I can keep writing for a loooonnnngggg time(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤

Happy Reading


The carriage stopped outside of a worn-out inn. It looked so run down and abandoned that no one would ever even think of entering it, let alone spend a night there. Junkai stepped out first to open the door for Song Xu. Yuan stayed unconscious for the entire time. As before, Song Xu carried him in his arms.

Junkai went ahead and led the way to the secret dungeon door. Never in their wildest dreams could anyone think there would be such a grand dungeon under such a shabby inn. Junkai held a lamp for Song Xu as he laid Yuan on the bed.

He spoke in his cool voice, "Go, bring him here."

Junkai left the lamp on a table and soon disappeared into the darkness. The light radiated on Yuan's flawless face as he lay there motionless. Song Xu could help being mesmerized.

"I'm sorry, I came late."

Junkai soon came back with a man, he was almost being dragged by his collar. Song Xu took a chair beside the bed and calmly sat on it, holding Yuan's hand in his palms.

"Have you made up your mind, doctor?"

The man who struggled to even breathe had bruises all over his body. He somehow held his fatigued body up and slowly replied in a hoarse voice,

"Please- don't hurt my family. I beg you."

Song Xu tilted his head, his hawk-like eyes fixed on its target, "Then you must do as you are told, right?"

The doctor impatiently replied, "But what you're telling me to do is hard for me! I can hypnotize someone for some time, but I can't mess with someone's memory!"

Song Xu suddenly turned his head and looked at him with sharp eyes, eyebrows knitted together, "All I told you is to bring his memories back and erase the present. Make him forget about his marriage!"

The doctor helplessly begged him on his knees, "Sir, please, don't do this. If anything goes wrong, he might lose all his memories! His mind will be in chaos when he regains consciousness!"

Song Xu looked at Yuan for a split second then spoke in his determined tone, "Do as I say. Now!"

The man wiped tears from his swollen eyes and tried to prop Yuan's body straight so that his back touched the bed crown. Then he sat on another chair and slowly started his hypnotherapy.

Yuan fell into a vegetative state. He could hear mild soothing voices inside his head.

Where am I?

Who is talking?

Suddenly the images started to become clear in front of his eyes. His memories began to play before his eyes. He was watching himself from a third person's point of view.

Little Yuan was enthusiastically playing with his mother's trinkets. It made a soft jingling sound. He looked very happy. His mother soon came to find him.

"Mamma! Shiny!" Little Yuan chirped.

His mother came down to kneel before him and hugged him tightly. Then, left with her luggage. Yuan kept waiting beside the doorsteps for days but she never returned. He never had a father to begin with. His mother never told him about his father either. There was an elderly neighbor who lived just in the next flat. He had no choice but to adopt the poor child who was only a toddler then. Yuan was always a bright student and kept accomplishing new academic achievements one after another. Therefore, he always had scholarships to pay for his tuition.

Unfortunately, the old grandpa was also getting older. He left his job and became completely bedridden. Yuan had no choice but to continue his studies and take some part-time jobs alongside taking care of him. It was really hard for a 16-year-old to manage a home, school, job and also take care of a sick person.

Finally, that day, Grandpa's health worsened. He was immediately admitted to the hospital. The doctors tried their best to treat him but failed. Yuan wasn't ready to let go of his one and only family member yet. Stubborn by nature, he tried to keep him alive with life support. Days turned into months, Grandpa could barely move his fingers, let alone talk. On the other side, the hospital bill kept rising. It was too difficult for him at one point. He went to his Grandpa and cried, cried, and cried.

"I don't want to! Please, Grandpa! I'll become all alone! Don't leave me!"

He was suddenly so much into debt that the doctor helplessly suggested him to remove the life support. Yuan didn't budge at all. One day, a colleague at one of his part-time jobs suggested to him a way for quick money.

It was a job as an assistant for a boxer who played illegal matches underground. That place was risky but he had no choice. He started his new job as an assistant just fine, but, suddenly one day, there was a police raid and many got arrested, including Yuan. He was badly beaten up when he was locked up in jail. He pleaded so many times to let him visit his Grandpa for once but no one paid any attention. They assaulted him more for being so pathetic. Finally after a few months, he was released for not finding any evidence against him. He ran to the hospital and found the doctor who used to care for his Grandpa. The Doctor was shocked to see Yuan after so many days. Moreover, he had no courage to disclose the news about his deceased Grandpa to him.

Yuan fell to the ground. Because he didn't visit the hospital for once during all that time and he had a good amount due to pay. The hospital authority decided to remove the life support. As a result, his Grandpa passed away and the hospital community arranged his funeral service.

Yuan had nothing else left in this world that mattered. Because he was sent to jail for being part of the illegal matches, his school and other jobs also kicked him out.

Finding no other choice, he joined a host club. He made friends there and lived with them. He then joined a Gay bar to earn more. But something very unpleasant happened there and he was fined a very handsome amount of cash. Again, finding no option, he talked to the manager who took him to their Boss and life was never the same again.

Yuan squeezed his temples in pain, "Stop! Shut up! I don't want to remember any of these! Shut it off!"

Then suddenly the scenes changed.

It was nothing like the modern city Yuan knew. On the other hand, it was an old fashioned house that belonged to the nobility.

He saw little Bai Yuan who was carefully walking by a small pool inside the large yard. He seemed to be around 12/13 years old by his physique. He carefully gazed at the small fishes. But suddenly a bigger strength kicked him on the butt and he fell in the water.

Zhao Keyu laughed from behind while Yuan struggled to stay floating on the surface.

"Brother! Please - huff- help me!"

Zhao Keyu snickered in response, "What, you can't even swim at this age?!"

Fortunately, a guard saw them and came rushing to save him. Keyu tsk-ed and left. That night Yuan was bedridden by a high fever.

To be continued......

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