Chapter: 11

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It has been a week since the Exorcist has went to the Pendragon Estate, and naturally because of there tresspassing and destruction of property, they were house arrest for 3 days only, originally it would only be a week, since they the Exorcist and the Pendragon Estate are still allies after all, and with Alexander being the Strongest Exorcist in History, they simply couldn't punished him to severely

It only became as low as it did simply because both Ciel and Byleth vouch for there Innoncents and that they have delivered vital Information to him, which has resulted in them being given such light sentences 

While it was going at it, Ciel was going about perfecting the weapons that he was currently creating as well, with him nearing it's completed stage, with him predicting it would be complete in about a day or two 

So right now, currently Ciel was going to the Royal Family of Britain, which is also just a puppet family that the Pendragon's created to effectively make the Rest of the World think the legend of King Arthur is just a mere legend, and everything related to the Supernatural is actually just fiction and the thoughts of people 

Of course, to have such power in the Country, periodically, the Pendragons does appear to elected officials of the Country and show them the Supernatural World, making them know of there presences and making them know who truly owned the Country with them being the Descendants of King Arthur and his Knights 

It's because of this, despite no longer having such governmental control over the Country, they still have Immense Control, especially since Britain is very familiar with Legend of King Arthur an the Sword from the Stone itself, with them knowing faithfully the story, much like how Priest and Nuns knows of the Bible 

So right now, with the company of some Knights that is trained by the Pendragon, Byleth who is the temporary Maid of Ciel Tempest, Morgan Pendragon following to make sure that the Government supports Ciel's plans and finally Alexander following along with the pretext that he is there to protect Ciel of any danger 

The moment such entourage walked in on the "Royal Family" of Britain, the Guards, the Servants and the Royal Family all simultaneously bowed down on there knees towards them

"" We welcome you! House Pendragon!! And The Exorcist of the Church! ""

They all spoke in reverance to there presence, in truth if they just gotten word that a High-Ranking Exorcist would be visiting them, they wouldn't have shown such hospitality to them, even when they are allied with them, since to them, they are only loyal to the House of Pendragon and would rather kill themselves for bowing to another 

But since, a Member of the House of Pendragon was presence, they decided to bow down, especially so since the Beautiful Blue Haired Girl that was infront of them, was the one that would strengthen the Natural Human Army that they have from the potential war that would most likely happaned in the future 

With the most likely suspect being the Germans being the one who will start World War 2, with it being either Influence by either Greeks or the Slavics to start said War, and grant them an Excuse to start a war with Heaven

At first, the "Royal Family of Britain" hated there alliance with said Faction, since to them, because of Heaven's negative relationship with the Greeks, they would be potentially caught up in there mess as there allies, but since they are under the Pendragon Household, they couldn't truly voiced said thoughts out 

But now, that they have the potential of actually acquiring Weapons that could enhanced there Fighting Power to be able to stand up against the Armies of Germany, which are also being supported by an unknown Faction/Pantheon, they gladly accepted the Church's helped, especially with them being sponsored by the Pendragon House 

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