School Part 2

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We made it into school like usual i needed to be strapped down onto the ground so i quote on quote don't kill anyone even tho i can easily melt these chains and of course there were larry and jerry the cops that I'm closest with they were actually a couple which was sweet but the force doesn't allow same sex couples cuz it's 'distracting' yeah i know stupid the class started and Izuku couldn't talk to me probably cuz no one can speak to me inside of class and pretty soon the class started

Finn pov

Me and jake were on our way too nezu with a bunch of files from everybody with the good recommendation for y/n we made it inside and into nezu office

Nezu:oh finn and jake what a surprise but I'm in the middle of a meeting

Finn:perfect then nezu we got some recommendations for a student so the teachers need to be here as well

Nezu drank some of his tea simon would like that tea

Nezu:ok then i guess i can postpone the meeting a little bit give me the files of the student and the recommendations

I nodded giving him y/n files and the recommendations he opened the files

Nezu:let's seeeeee absolutely not! This student cant attend U.A no matter how many good recommendation

Jake:please nezu just give the kid a chance

Nezu looked at the teachers they nodded uneasy tho

Nezu:fine let me read the files and recommendations name y/n age unknown h/c(hair color) e/c(eye color) code name the lich that's all now the recommendations from the pro heroe huntress wizard "he has a good heart nature allows him places that not even i myself could enter" from the pro hero princess bubblegum"he has a brilliant mind he helped me create a cure for a sick patient"from the vampire agency
"he has bested me many times in combat training which many have failed " vampire king
"he isn't affected by my powers which isnt common" the empress
"he is my best friend he's a really likeable guy!" the fool
"he peforms really well under pressure when he fought me" the hierophant
"he knows many healing and poisoning remedies" the moon
"he's a really cool guy too hang out with once you get to know him" the star/marceline
The following are from the wizard agency
"he knows his magic so don't underestimate his magic" ice king/Simon petricov
"i have seen into his future many times before they all ended the same he is going to become a hero" Betty
"he has helped me many times with gathering materials for me" pepermint butler
"he's a pretty awesome dude knows how to party" prismo the wish master
"can be very serious when needed too and always gets the job done" scarab the god auditor
"he's awesome always listens to people problems" orbo
Well i won't argue this is the most recommendations a student has ever gotten but what about you two hm? What do you have to say about him

I looked at jake saying he needs to go first

Jake:principal nezu i won't deny it i am sometime scared that he is going to have an outburst and lose all control but i do owe him one since he did bring me back to life and made me immortal until the day i dont want to be but he's a real great kid and my kids love him and he just wants to save people

I looked at jake thankful now it was my turn

Finn:ever since y/n adoptive parents died i took him in even tho i cant be in the same house as him I've seen that kid do things that not even kids with the most powerful quirks can do he just wants to be normal but because of one accident he's forced to not have friends not walk alone and he has to be strapped down in class so he doesn't kill anybody but that kid has done some special things that not even pro heroes can do that kid deserves to have a chance if he does something bad he'll understand and try to fix it those are good quality perks for any hero if you ask me

Nezu looked at me and then at jake

Nezu:ok he can attend and I'll see if i can change the charges and they way he lives

Me and jake nodded and took the files and everything and ran towards his house we got their eventually and told him that from tomorrow he's gonna start training for 6 months

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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