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"JUDE, I-" Emilia trails off, not being able to find the words to his response. Subconsciously, she leaned into his touch. She felt a sense of comfort from the feeling of his hand on her cheek.

She looked up into his brown eyes that showed how sincere he was being. She hated how one look from him made her weak in the knees. She takes a deep breath before whispering, "Jude, I love you too."

The corner of his lips curved up into a smile. Before he could say anything, she quickly adds, "But you were a bitch for that bet."

Jude lets out a breathy chuckle as he nods in response. "Yeah, i'll admit that."

"And it'll take a lot for me to fully forgive you."

"You wanted that white Lady Dior bag, right?"

Emilia lightly slaps his shoulder with a smile evident on her glossed lips. "Not bags or material things, silly!" She loudly exclaims as he continues to laugh. "I mean it's not going to be easy for me to forget, Bellingham. So yes, I forgive you but it'll be hard for me to forget."

"Can I still buy you that Dior bag?"

He had a cheeky smile on his face that made her roll her eyes. "My birthday is in 2 weeks." She responds, patting his shoulder.

He hums in response, making sure to take a mental note of that. "So, does this mean you'll be mine again?" He asks in a hopeful tone, mentally praying and begging that she'll take him back.


"C'mon, sunshine."

Emilia playfully rolls her eyes as he gently pokes her cheek. "Fine, I'll be yours again, I guess." She says in a teasing tone. "As long as you don't pull stupid shit again, you hear me, Bellingham?"

Jude smiles widely, leaning down and pressing a kiss on the top of her forehead. "I hear you loud and clear, sunshine."


"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Mila loudly exclaims once her eyes land on the English midfielder standing by her best friend. She pulls Emilia close to her. Mila held Berlioz in one hand while her other hand cradled Emilia like a baby. The cat seemed to remember Jude and even sent him a glare.

He holds his hands up in defense as his now girlfriend simply laughs. "I come in peace."

"Nuh-uh, I got problems with you!" Mila replies, holding out Berlioz. At the sight of the cat, Jude quickly takes a step back.

"Keep him away-"

"He's my baby!" Emilia says.

"Sorry, sunshine. He's so cute."

"Why are you back here with him? Just wait 'till Toni comes back. Oh, I can't wait to see-"

Emilia quickly cuts of Mila before she could continue to rant, "We talked things out and we're together again."

With that, the blonde lets go of her and sets the cat down. "Oh, okay. Does that mean I can go back to liking him?"


"Sick." Mila responds, following the grey cat to the living room. As soon as the chaos seemed to have disappeared, it reappeared in the form of Emilia's father.

He had came back from a morning run and held a box of pastries in his hand for his daughter and her best friend. The German midfielder stops in his steps as he sees his teammate.

"Bellingham." He curtly says, giving him a nod.

Jude nervously chuckles as he nods back. "Good Morning, Toni-"

"What are you doing here?"

"Papa," Emilia sighs as she walks over to her father. "We talked things out and we're together again. Be nice to him, please?"

She looks up at her father with a hopeful smile. He still didn't seem convinced so she wraps her arms around him. "Papa, he apologized and explained things."

Toni sighs as he glances up at Jude. "If I see a single tear come from her because of you, then it's done." He responds before looking back down at his daughter. "Ich vertraue darauf, dass du schlau bist, kätzchen." [i trust you to be smart, kitty]

He pressed a soft kiss on the top of her head before leaving to head to the kitchen. "Danke, Papa!" [thank you, dad] She calls out with a smile.

"Papa Kroos approves." Emilia explains to Jude with a smile. "At least I think so. He's a bit blunt sometimes." She shrugs, walking over to him.

"Shit," He mumbles when he checks the time. "I was supposed to meet up with Edu for brunch."

"He's a bit dramatic, you should go."

"I'll call you later, yeah?"

"I'll be waiting on it." She quietly says as they both made their way to the front door. Before He leaves, he turns to her and grabs her by her waist.

"Can't leave without a proper goodbye." Jude whispers, leaning in and kissing her pink plump lips. "See you later, sunshine." He says, chuckling to himself as he noticed her flushed face.

Emilia smiles widely as she watches him open the door. She ignored the way her face heated up, "See you later, pretty boy."

bi speaks ! ☆彡
10 goals in 10 games, Jude is just
insane, i can't believe i used to watch
dortmund for him and now he plays
for my club😭🙏🙏😩🤍

anyways, any ideas for the last chapter??
it won't be the next one but it will
be coming soon lol

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