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"Shhhhh." Ni shushed trying to get the baby to calm down.

His little arms flailed around as she struggled to hold him.

"Shit, Sevyn, calm down." Ni sighed before she got up to fix his bottle.

When she walked into the kitchen she heard her phone ringing face down on the counter.

"Hello?" Ni spoke over the phone, putting it on speaker and turning to grab the baby formula.

"Lil boy, you act like you don't see me making your bottle." She sighed as Sevyn whined in her arms.

"Tanija.." A man's voice responded on the phone causing Ni to flinch.

"Who is this?" Ni said, turning back and shifting the baby on her hip.

"Was that a baby I just heard?!! I KNEW WE HAD A BABY." The man cheered on the opposite line.

"Let me see my child Ni, PLEASE!" He added.

"Bruh." Ni sighed as she hung up the phone and blocked the 700th number made from Tae.

"Yo dada so worrisome." She rolled her eyes while stuffing the bottle in his mouth.

Instantly Sevyn calmed down and leaned back with his eyes closed.

Walking over to lay him down, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Who tf?" Ni peeked from the doorway before grabbing her gun from the top shelf in the closet. Since she lived alone, she learned how to aim and shoot a gun from her older cousin. He left her keep a Glock-19 for 'self defense', but mainly to use against Scar.

Walking towards the door with the gun cocked, she looked through the peephole and her heart dropped after what she saw.


"When did you come to Cali?!" Ni asked from the opposite side of the couch

"Shii, I mainly just wanted to see you. I missed you a wholeeeeee lot. It aint been the same since you left." Darius shook his head and fiddled with his fingers.

"I missed you so muchhhh." Ni pouted. "How long you plan on being with me?"

"Ian leaving." Darius chuckled before glancing at her.

"Boy, you know I just got a 2 bedroom for me and Sevyn. But there is a 1 bedroom for rent next door, it's been up for lease for about a month now." Ni tilted her head in thought.

"Nahh, sis. Aint no need for none of that, but youn mind showing me the place do you?" He rubbed his hand together.

"It's literally ride beside me, but i'll show you right quick before Sevyn wakes up." Ni said, standing up from the couch and walking towards the front door.

"Bet, preciate it big head." Darius laughed while following his sister out the door.

"This it right here?" Darius asked while pointing at the door 17B.

"Mhm." Ni hummed, not understanding why he wanted her to show him a locked door.

"I got a surprise tho." He said while fumbling with his key chain. "I bought a magic key the other day that said it'll open any doors." Darius smiled.

𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐲Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ