Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
Joffrey sat there looking at Amelia as she walked into the orphanage with a smile on her face as her maid tried to persuade her not to. Joffrey looked angry but his face softened when ever she smiled and he told the guards to stay here as Joffrey got out of the carriage and walked around to where Amelia's just was.

He looked at the few guards that were situated around as they bowed to their king. The people of the lower town looked to Joffrey in pure shock and amusement as their king walked around the town. Many looking at home in amazement whilst some just carried on with their daily work.

Joffrey turned around to see Amelia walking out of the orphanage and holding two little children's hands she smiled as she told the lady who owned it something in which Joffrey could not here but the lady and smiled and nodded once it was said. Amelia the. Kissed the children's cheek and departed from the building. Amelia laughed with her ladies until she looked up and caught eyes with Joffrey.

She froze still. He wasn't supposed to be here she knew that and now that he is here who knows what he's going to do to her. Amelia looked up to see Joffrey but his eyes were just fixed on one of her ladies.The look on Joffrey face was one of pure hatred and disgust as he continuously stared at her as the small party of people stepped forward to the king. Amelia was the first to greet the king with a small curtesy as she then stood beside home. "Come we're going home." Joffrey stated taking Amelia's arm and dragging her to her own carriage.

Once they were both inside the carriage Joffrey looked at Amelia with a look that she just couldn't read. Amelia tried to start conversation but every time she did Joffrey would quickly silence her till Amelia simply stopped trying. Once they had both reached the castle walls Amelia tried to get out as quickly as possible but in doing this fell out of the carriage and made a big scene for the people watching. As Amelia quickly stood up Joffrey got out of the carriage and laughed at her "Come sweet sister we have much to discuss." Joffrey started as he entwined there arms together and walked into the castle.

Once entering joffreys grand and vast bedroom Amelia silently sat in the seat that was designated to her when ever she walked in. It was her seat just like joffreys was hers he'd never admit that he has small feelings for his sister and she was to blind with thinking the world was a winderful place for her to realise. But as long as he got her everything than in joffreys eyes that was enough.

As Joffrey sat down he looked At Amelia and tilted her head up so that she was looking at him. "Your maid" Joffrey looked at her quizzically "what one there's several?" Joffrey could see that it was a joke but neither laughed. "Esme" at the mention of her name her head shot up Esme was like a sister to Amelia kept all of her secrets and she told Esme all of hers. She was like a true sister figure with Myrcella gone she was the one she spoke to especially about Knights. But unbeknown to Amelia Joffrey was silently thinking of her death for what she did to him and his family was something that he could truly not forgive.

A week ago just after Joffrey's name day celebrations Esme walked into his chambers he was a little drunk and she was in very minimal amount of clothing but that didn't faze either of them. "I have come to tell you news of your sister your grace I fear she is whoring around with the peasant men of the streets I believe she was kissing someone quite passionately in the tavern the other day and he was looking quite satisfied with the money that she gave him. I believe this isn't the first time this has happened your grace nor do I believe that it is the last." At hearing those words Joffrey's drunken mind went into a state of shock Amelia was at the feast which Joffrey had just retired from that evening and she was laughing and talking the happiest he had truly seen her in weeks.

Joffrey looked towards Esme "when where with whom. Why have you not told me this before? This is what your payed to do tell me straight away" Joffrey shouted at her as he was putting his day clothes on to go back to the hall and get Amelia. Once he was finished and look presentable he stormed down to the Hall and when the doors opened everyone stared at him. He stormed straight over to Amelia. As some as he got there he slapped her around the face. "How dare you, how dare you do that with men you were not raised to be a whore you were raised to be a princess one that should respect others you act as if your old the service of little finger and that is just appalling"

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