c h a p t e r 2

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As soon as I open the shop, Lorenzo and crew walk in. Their gold and silver chains glinting in the sunlight and jangling whenever they move. 

I quickly walk to the counter where I begin by sticking some chocolate and almond croissants in the oven and set it to the right setting.

 I sigh heavily as I turn to see Roberto, an underboss approach me. I straighten my apron and prepare myself for a long order. "Can I get five of those glazed donuts, and uh get me one of those chocolate eclairs." I process the order in my head, nod, and turn to pick the pastries.

time-skip: 5 hours

I look over above the counter, the Luciano family is getting up and leaving- FINALLY. 

Once they leave I sigh heavily, allowing myself a minute to regain my calmness, then pick up a yellow and green sponge and walk over to their table. I begin to scrub firmly, getting all the sticky spots from coffee and the pastries. The bell to the door jangles and someone walks up to me. 

An officer.

 "Oh! Hello officer, what can I do for you today?" I smile innocently, my heart-beat starts to pick up. The officer eyes me before saying "Do you know why I'm here today?" "To get.. pastries?" I shrug. "No." I know I have a good poker face but just for a second my eyes widen in disbelief. "Those guys who just left your bakery are linked to the Italian Mob. I don't know if you know this but they're dangerous, and very serious criminals. I got a report of a drive-by-shooting, and we have some evidence proving these gangsters have done it." He pauses for a moment. "You know anything about why they're here?"

I know there's two ways I can answer this.

1. Deny everything

2. Admit that I know that that guy who got shot is the critic that put my bakery in debt and as a gift from the freakin Italian mafia they had delivered a drive-by and shot him in the head for my birthday.

I pick deny everything. 

"No, I'm soo sorry, if they come back, I'll let you know" I smile and wait until the doors jangle again, signaling that the officer is gone and I go back to scrubbing. 

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