29 learn to fight

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Arhaan's loud voice startled them all! The boy who just harassed Emaan was now shivering but he decided to not loose his stance he will claim that Emaan is his girlfriend so that charges can not be pressed against him!

"Ye ajkal ke bache or unke khule affairs!" Someone murmured right behind Arhaan! Arhaan was still not able to see Emaan he came here right from meeting room!

Haadi who was standing right beside Arhaan tilted his head only to find Emaan curling up in to Zimmal chest!

Zimmal had no idea that Emaan is Arhaan's sister she only knows her as Haya's best friend!

"This guy right here was harassing her!" Zimmal was quick to complain!

Arhaan sharply tilted his head to look at Zimmal but he took a step back when he found his little sister crying there!

He looked at that guy and Emaan back and forth his nostrils flared he was very angry! Haadi noticed the look!

There were alot of people here Arhaan can not show them how much Emaan means to him his rivals can use this against him! He held Arhaan's hand when he was just about to pounce on him!

The boy names saif was now scared to no extent the glint in Arhaan's eyes scared him!

"She is my girlfriend sir!" The boy managed to reply!

Emaan looked up waiting for her brother to trust on her she was continuously shaking her head! Before she can confess her true identity Haadi asked Zimmal to take her away!

"Oh really!" Arhaan replied getting closer to this boy!

Zimmal was about to take Emaan away but she stood frozen to her spot! She wants Arhaan right now only he can snap her back!

"Ye..ss" Boy managed to stutter!

But he was cut of my a tight resounding punch! Arhaan Ahmed khan just punched day lights of his face! He stumbled back! The gasp from crowd snapped Emaan back into reality she looked up and found his brother shooting daggers at her harasser!

"You dared to misbehave with girl standing in my office? Then you have the  audacity to jeopardise her character!!" Arhaan held him by his lapels and growled in his face!

"Throw him out and make sure he doesn't gets to work anywhere else in his entire life!" Arhaan harshly threw him to Haadi!

"Every body get back to Work! "NOW!" Arhaan yelled making everybody scurried off!

When everybody left the cafeteria Arhaan was quick to walk towards Emaan who was still crying in Zimmal's embrace!

He was about to start right then and there but he controlled himself!

"Zimmal I think you should leave now!" Arhaan asked her as politely as he can manage with rage bubbling inside him!

"Theek ho? Me jau!" She asked Emaan!

Emaan looked at her brother he was looking super mad but this anger wasn't directed towards her!

Not wanting to  overrule her brother's command she just nodded at Zimmal!

"I will be fine api!" She replied!

Arhaan frowned he had no idea they were close! Emaan looked up shock to she also had no idea how Arhaan was talking with Zimmal! Alot of questions were bubbling inside her!

"Emaan yahan kia karahi ha Haadi?" Zimmal asked Haadi after leaving the cafeteria!

"Emaan is!" Haadi started but before he can reply Zimaal's phone started ringing!

Mahv_e_Hairat (lost in wonder)Where stories live. Discover now