Chapter 16

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Just when they were about to slip away, Ekansh, Vihaan, Aarav and Ansh noticed them and immediately walked up to them. 

Ekansh started " Can we please talk ?"

The girls immediately replied that they were busy as they have a really important occasion for the evening and that they couldn't miss it at any cost.

(Backstory - The guys who were seen earlier were Isha, Meera, Saanvi and Ara's colleagues and they kept asking the girls to hangout with them, but they kept refusing all the time. But, they  agreed to it this time as they were hurt, angry and wanted to annoy the guys as a punishment for their actions, to make them realize their mistakes . The girls knew Ekansh, Vihaan, Aarav and Ansh would definitely get irked so they pretended to be excited about the whole thing when in reality they weren't.)

The guys were shocked because they were waiting for the girls from morning and it was 3 in the evening now, they were about to say something when the guys they had seen earlier walked up to the girls and one of them said "Finally we are done on time, let's get going or we'll be late."

Isha said "Yeah yeah let's go, we shouldn't be getting late" showing fake excitement.

Saanvi continued saying " Yeah chalo, let's not get late and miss out on stuff, (pointing at the four guys) she said " aren't they so sweet and caring, they took the initiate to plan something and take us out, don't worry bhai we'll be safe." 

Meera and Ara said " Hurry up, let's not waste time " at the same time. 

"But..., " said all the four men who had been waiting to talk to them since centuries 😂.But before they could complete all of them started walking towards the exit and before they could step out, the girls turned back towards Ekansh, Vihaan, Aarav and Ansh and said "Bye guys, see you later...." in a teasing tone. 

*zakhmon par namak chidakana insae seekho 😂*

*Learn to sprinkle salt on someone's wounds from them 😂*

The guys' wrists were clenched, and anger was clearly visible in their tensed muscles and furrowed brows. The sight of their girl with someone else had ignited a burning rage within them, a visceral reaction they had never experienced before. It was as if a dormant beast had awakened deep within their souls, and it was now roaring to life.

Their jaws were set, and their eyes bore into the scene before them, betraying a storm of emotions. Frustration and jealousy surged through their veins, a toxic cocktail threatening to overwhelm their usually composed demeanour. They could feel the heat of anger radiating from their bodies, their fists clenching and unclenching involuntarily. 

The guys lost it as they feared their thoughts of someone else being in their girls' life were coming true. The anxiety that had gnawed at them moments ago was now manifesting before their eyes. They had suspected, they had speculated, and now, their worst fears were materializing. They were feeling emotions they had never felt before for anyone. It was a mixture of insecurity, possessiveness, and an overwhelming fear of losing someone who had become an integral part of their lives. Each of them had experienced friendships and love in various forms, but this was uncharted territory.

The intensity of their emotions took them by surprise, as they had always prided themselves on their composure and control. Now, they found themselves in a whirlwind of unfamiliar feelings, struggling to make sense of the jealousy, anxiety, and possessiveness that had taken root. It was as if their emotions had been awakened from a deep slumber, leaving them vulnerable and exposed.

As they struggled to contain this newfound rage, they knew they had to make a choice. They could let anger consume them, clouding their judgment and damaging their relationship, or they could channel this fury into a constructive force, using it as motivation to communicate openly and address the issues. The choice they made in that heated moment would determine the course of their relationships and their own personal growth.

Entwined Royal Heartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें