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≡;- ꒰ °real life & insta꒱

July 14, 2023, Laureia's birthday

Valentina's house

London, UK

Laureia woke up on her birthday with a sparkle of anticipation in her eyes. The sun streamed through her bedroom window, casting a warm glow on the decorations her friends had put up the night before. She could hear the faint hum of laughter and chatter in the kitchen, and a feeling of gratitude washed over her. It was shaping up to be a perfect day.

As she descended the stairs, the aroma of freshly baked pastries and brewed coffee enveloped her senses. Her friends and sisters had gone all out – balloons, streamers, and a banner that read, "Happy Birthday, Laureia!" adorned the walls. The room echoed with cheerful greetings as she made her way to the kitchen.

Laureia tried to push aside the nagging thoughts about the cheating allegations made about her longtime boyfriend as she joined her friends and sisters at the breakfast table. The cheerful ambiance in the room couldn't entirely dispel the worry etched on her face.

"Thanks, everyone, for putting this together. It's really amazing." Laureia beamed.

"Of course! Girl, it's your birthday. Now, dig in!" Rayanna spoke up; she loved making people feel special on their birthday.

The table was adorned with a spread of breakfast delights: pancakes, waffles, fresh fruit, eggs, and a variety of pastries. The friends exchanged glances, noting Laureia's distracted demeanour. "Here you go, Laureia. Your favourite: chocolate waffles." Dayna said while passing the plate towards Laureia.

"So, any big plans for today? I heard there might be a surprise in store." Dayna asked while getting herself some coffee. "Oh, you know, just going with the flow. Birthdays are full of surprises, right?" Laureia responded, trying not to sound sad.

And speaking of surprises, where's Christian? He's usually the mastermind behind these things." Victoria said this while making her way to the table.

The mention of Christian sent a subtle wave of tension through the air. Laureia hesitated, her fork poised above her waffles, a frown adorning her face.

"Yeah, about that, I haven't seen him yet." She replied in a casual tone. "Really? That's strange. He was both here last night helping us set up." Julissa spoke up for the first time this morning.

"Hmm, maybe he's planning something special. I'll check my phone to see if they texted me." Laureia said, speaking quite nervously. She discreetly checked her phone, and her friends and sisters exchanged knowing glances. They could sense something was amiss.

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