Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Facing Kady, I found myself at a loss for words. The closure I had sought seemed to reopen wounds I thought were healing. I couldn't even bring myself to glance in her direction or make eye contact.

"Asher," she whispered, her hands tenderly rubbing my back as I leaned against the bookshelf in the corner of the room. I tensed at her touch, wishing she would simply leave and never return to my life.

She openly confessed to deceiving me about everything—the pregnancy, her professed love for me, and more. I had suspected that part of her motivation for being with me was driven by my wealth and successful business, but hearing her admit it was something I hadn't anticipated.

Getting over her and moving on was never a challenge, as all of my love for her vanished when she took my child from me. However, I couldn't help but feel that the damage she had inflicted might never be fully repaired.

The room fell silent until the faint sound of the door clicking broke the stillness. Isabella stood in the doorway, the distant sounds of music and chatter seeping in from outside, as she fixed her gaze on me.

Watching her in the doorway, her hands nervously adjusting her dress, I found myself irresistibly drawn to her. There was a captivating beauty about her, inside and out, and I felt an undeniable need for her presence.

There were many things in the world that remained unknown to me, numerous "whys" left unanswered. Yet, as I gazed into her green eyes, it felt like answers were the least of my concerns in this world, and she was the very first thing I truly needed.

"Your mother asked me to check on you all," she whispered, her voice barely audible, and our eyes remained locked in a deep connection. I responded with a half-smile, understanding that was the sole reason she had come in here.

"We're fine," Kady snapped, moving toward the door. However, a surge of protectiveness overcame me, and I took hold of Kady's arm, escorting her out of the room and closing the door behind her, creating a moment of privacy between Isabella and me.

Isabella suddenly pressed her back against the door, our bodies now mere inches apart. Although we had shared a dance earlier to our song, this moment felt far more intimate and charged with unspoken emotions.

"I'm sorry for interrupting," she whispered, her chest heaving noticeably as I continued to gaze down at her. "Did my mother really send you in here?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing with curiosity.

She offered me an innocent smile. "Technically, yes," she replied with a matter-of-fact tone, and I couldn't resist the smile tugging at my own lips.

"How's the ball been?" I asked, closing the remaining distance between us. I turned the lock on the door and then backed away, taking a seat on the plush couch.

For a moment, she looked around the spacious room, her gaze drifting over the various objects that filled the space, diverting her attention from my question. However, I didn't mind; it was intriguing to watch her eyes explore the surroundings.

Suddenly, her eyes landed on the grand piano nestled in the corner of the room. Without hesitation, she made her way toward it and settled onto the black bench.

"Any requests?" She cast a glance over her shoulder, her hair framing her face beautifully as she looked at me, awaiting my response.

I closed my eyes briefly, contemplating some of my favorite pieces before I settled on one. "River Flows In You," I whispered, and her eyes instantly lit up. "Yiruma?" she confirmed, and I nodded. She turned her attention back to the piano, and for a moment, I wondered if she was familiar with the piece or how to play it. That doubt vanished as soon as she began to play.

She played the piece beautifully, and I sat there, captivated, as she swayed gently from left to right with each key she touched. A smile graced my lips as I observed her, realizing just how utterly fascinated I was by her.

I joined her on the bench, and she scooted over, making space for me as I took my place at the keys. "Any requests?" I echoed her earlier question, locking my gaze onto hers.

"Work Song," she whispered, playfully nudging me with her shoulder as she realized I had been smiling at her. After hitting a few keys, I familiarized myself with the melody, beginning to play.

As I began to play, her head gently rested on my shoulder, and we swayed together as my fingers glided across the keys. "It's even more beautiful in real life," she whispered softly, careful not to disrupt the beautiful melody.

I stole occasional glances at her face, noting the smile that adorned her lips as she watched me play. In that moment, as we sat there taking turns playing each other's requested pieces, I realized just how much she meant to me.

Eventually, she directed her attention to me, delicately moving my hands from the keys and clasping them with her own. "What is this?" she asked, her gaze fixed on mine.

"I can't say for certain," I responded, shifting my focus to the piano. I wasn't ready to define what was between us just yet. She averted her gaze, her hands nervously fidgeting in her lap. I gently covered her hands with mine, halting their movement. "Why can't it simply be you and me?" Her anxious look disappeared as our eyes met once again.

"You and me," she whispered, resting her head on my shoulder once more. It brought me solace knowing I could be her source of comfort and strength. I'd gladly sit here for the rest of my life, providing my shoulder as long as it brought her peace.

Even without speaking, there existed a profound understanding between us, one that transcended the need for words. In that moment, I experienced a feeling I had never known with any other woman, not even Kady.

Noticing that she had drifted into slumber on my shoulder, I carefully shifted to ensure she remained asleep. Looking down at her serene face, I made a silent vow that I would never allow anyone or anything to harm her again.

"I don't love you," I whispered, my voice barely audible as I gazed down at her. "I believe I've fallen in love with you."

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