Chapter Thirteen

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The oceanic sensations only intensified as their domain began to dominate June's human nature. She was a vessel to be heavily influenced by a potent force of a differing nature, and it would be an instinct held within the depths of her chest cavity.

The branch knew of its pursuit as well, tickling the skin on her fingertips. Though there was a lack in change over composition, the texture differed from a rough, woodened origin and adopted the softest of consistencies. It brought her to a moment of rescue, an instance in which a small and sickened kitten was left for death to capture. It was an inevitable fate for the vulnerable animal, one June was not yet ready to embrace for either of the two.

Perhaps it was also an aspect of fate that drew her to carry the distressed creature home in hopes to nurse it, instead to be met with the wickedness of her fathers evil fist.

"I want you to see what happens when silly girls try to bring diseased filth into their home."

Words destined to taunt June for years to come, only to be released alongside other anchors of mortality. Her next breath was deep as she held the branch close and gently pet the thin layer of moss coating a flesh of wood.

The image following his threat had been cast from her mind long ago, but it pushed to be expelled from the closets of a suppressed amygdala.

"We have arrived!" This exclamation lured June's attention from pairs of walking feet to the edge of emeralds and rubies amongst amethysts and sunset opals; all respectfully lacing one another in harmonious pools. A vast water shone in the sun and stretched over furlongs of land, transparent in terms of opacity and occurring through streams of eternity.

"These are waters of the sirens?" She asked, her eyes not breaking their newfound connection with a view of heaven sevenfold. The dwarf crouched to brush the surface of West's domain, lifting his fingers to reveal a colorful layer of water amongst the prints.

"Correct you are." His own words came distracted as the rocks supporting underwater currents robbed his attention. The precious stones reflected their prisms to entertain ripples and nurture small crests beginning at shore and washing outward to sea. Water was all that existed before them, not a sign of tree nor flower beyond the lining of a rocky forest ground behind their minuscule bodies in comparison.

It began as a pull in her chest, a call of the sea washing over her and calling forth goosebumps to shower a warm circulatory system with icy seas that possessed both hostile and gentle-natured creatures alike. The call of animal was but a whisper compared to the creatures of power that resided deeper beneath, reaching waters of scorching temperatures that touched June's skin just enough to prompt a bead of sweat to rest on her temple.

She brought her forearm to brush the tickling drop of moisture away, her cold limb meeting a burning in an increasingly flushed face.

"They are ready for you." Skor spoke, just as her bark was pried from inattentive fingers and thrusted itself beneath the waters plane.

"It appears they are." June replied, observing the diamond-shaped ripples to follow in the wake of her wooden valuable that began its journey as commanded.

She followed suit without a second to spare as the touch of molten undercurrent grew more urgent with every goosebump to flex the muscles along her skin follicles. Water filled her ear canals and entered passages underneath the zygomatic bone as her eyes adjusted to the electricity that rang every particle of visible light. Water entered the passageways lacing her sinuses as oxygen began to grow more scarce within the element, the pressure of trickling water heard with every reflex that drew a liquid breath.

The crystals did not merely reflect the sunlight, but held their own monochromatic illumination. They were orbs of an effective light production, brightening in response to her nearby presence and dimming only once she had passed.

Reveries of the TaintedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora