31 | Jade

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I am just one decision away from knowing Aurora's past and the memories that are still haunting her present. But making this decision seemed to be a lot more difficult than I had assumed.

Still sitting in the cafeteria where Rachel had left me with Aurora's journal, I tried so many times to just open the pages and unfold the secrets of Aurora's fears, but my heart screamed at me that this was not right, not when she was lying unconscious, fighting with those fears, and didn't give me consent to look into her past. But as much as I wanted to give the journal back to Rachel, I also wanted to know everything about her.

Knowing that there is a possibility that Aurora would never freely talk about it to me made me more restless than I already am. Even if I earn her trust, there is still a chance that she will get uncomfortable talking about her fears, considering her behaviour whenever I try to make her open up about her feelings to me. She is just as stubborn as I was.

I was also aware of the fact that maybe after this, I could lose her completely. She wouldn't even look me in the eye because of her anger that I sneaked into her personal space without her permission; she wouldn't even let me show my face to her ever again.

After Aurora and Rachel, I only have one person who could put me out of this dilemma.

Her mother.

As I stood up and started to move my legs to reach her mother, my mind was contemplating my thoughts and my inner turmoil about how I was going to talk about all of this with her and ask for her permission to let me know her daughter for who she is out of her therapist aura.

But every thought running inside my head leads to only one conclusion: I have to make it work anyhow.

"Mrs. Monroe?" I called out Aurora's mother when she was about to leave with Rachel. Turning around, she looked at me with a little bit of surprise on her face while I could see Rachel's eyes narrowing at me.

"Can I talk to you for a moment, ma'am?" Making my way towards them, I had the journal in my hand, and her mother glanced at it before looking back at me. When I reached her, she smiled politely and nodded.

"Can we talk alone? I hesitated. "It's about Aurora."

She furrowed her brows, looking at me, and took a moment to decide. Telling Rachel to wait for her, she came along with me outside the hospital.

"What happened, dear?" She spoke when I was still thinking about how to make this conversation work. It was her daughter we were talking about here, and I understand that she obviously wouldn't want a stranger like me to look into her daughter's past.

I wasn't a stranger to Aurora, but it was different for her mother.

I had never felt this nervous in my entire life. Not even when I was dared by Nick to ask out the random girl in the park for a five-minute date when I was a teenager.

Gathering myself, I brought the journal forward. "Rachel gave this to me." I spoke slowly.

A faint chuckle left her lips. "I know; Rachel told me everything. But why do you look so nervous?"

Shock replaced my previous nervousness, making me still in my place.

"And you are okay with it?" I enquired, still not able to determine why she was fine with me checking her daughter's personal journal.

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