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The Circus🤡

Cookie not fruit : guys, what to
do when you are bored!?

Taeil's whore : read a book

Niki Minaj : kai hyung, come
over, we can read together!!

Cookie not fruit : beom won't let
me get out the house :(

Niki Minaj : oh. Then I will come
over, we can watch drama!

The cutest one : count me too!

Icy hoon❄: not leaving them
alone so I'm also tagging along

Cookie not fruit : ofc

Beom to the gyu : before you
three come to our dorm with
all of your belongings and shit,
don't forget the snacks if you don't
have any then you stay out, bye!

The cutest one : why not? Hee
hyung give money please?


Taeil's whore : ....

Real Jay Park : ay yo! Me and
won are with johnjaeten now!!

Niki Minaj : What!?

Real Jay Park : yes, ten hyung
and won went to buy coffee so
me and Johnjae are sitting on a
bench waiting for them

Niki Minaj : you didn't told us?

Real Jay Park : I did but all of
you were offline so...

Won🦊: Hey, this is Ten!

Icy hoon🌨: oh my God!!!

Won🦊: Jungwon told me to
tell you guys not to burn the
house down before he reach

The cutest one : so we can burn
it after he gets here?

Won🦊: Uh, are you fucking

Won🦊: Wait let me ask him
real quick!

Yeonlsa❄: *Blinks*

Cookie not fruit : yes I'm one,
Stan black pink

Cookie not fruit : wait, Ten is

Cookie not fruit : like in Ten
Lee said of Neo Culture

Won🦊: what is that? And
Jungwon said not to do anything
to the house!

Won🦊: isn't that my line?

Cookie not fruit : If you really
is Ten Lee then it is yours

Won🦊: 😊 oh gotta go bye!

Cookie not fruit : let's just
pretend like he didn't recognize
his own group name

Yeonlsa❄: Yeah.


Sorry for the late update!

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