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Ch. 4: Hindered

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It's still too cold to spend the afternoon on the terrace despite the glaring sun in the clear blue sky, but we're too stubborn to go inside, where we can curl up on the couch, next to Martha's wonderful fireplace. All we want is fresh air while enjoying our afternoon tea and pampering our eyes with the sight of Bonnerz's farm. Thankfully, a fluffy blanket and a portable heater do the magic.

Chloe, Ashton, and Hugh left the farm thirty minutes ago, riding horses and exploring the surrounding area. Ashton promised to show Chloe his favorite places back when he and his dad still visited the Bonnerz regularly. Martha, unfortunately, broke her arm a couple of weeks ago when she rode the mother of Charlotte's — the horse, and Hugh insisted she should just rest. So I stay with her. At least, we have the terrace for ourselves.

Accompanied with cookies and herbal tea, we fill each other in on our life updates. And the talk easily lingers around the Knight family and their drama.

"Too much drama, too much drama," Martha says, pouring another round of tea into our cups. "But I'm glad that they found someone to help Emily run the business. I hope he delivers excellent leadership."

"I hope so, too."

I haven't included the part where I got a temporary job offer at Trisure because I still don't know what to do about it. Ashton found it out before I broke the news — of course, he and Chadrick talked — and completely left the decision in my hands.

"Emily asked me to help with Trisure," I blurt out. "It's a temporary position for six months."

"Oh. And?"

I shrug. "I don't know. With the back-to-back drama they threw at each other all these years...well...that's not very encouraging. But ‌it's only six months. I kinda feel obliged to help them?" My reply sounds like a question because maybe it is a question that needs to be addressed.

"What did Ashton say about it?"

"Nothing, really. Basically, he wants me to figure it out on my own. Since our fight over my previous company, he has been more careful in inserting his opinion. But I have a feeling he's not against the idea of me helping in his family's business." I adjust my blanket to make sure it covers both my legs. "I should talk more about this with him."

Martha nods as her eyes stare blankly at our cups, her fingers fumbling with her arm cast. "Yes. Take your time and talk more to your significant other before you decide." She looks up at me, and a smile breaks across her face. "And I've been meaning to say that Ashton is easier to talk to now. He's slowly opening up. That boy has been carrying the bitterness for long enough, and someone needs to help set him free. And I'm glad it's you."

"No. Ashton is too stubborn to accept help. He's doing it by himself." I reply. "He and Dani still need to sit together and have closure, or...I don't know...maybe just to see what they feel about each other. But" — I sigh — "Ashton is being Ashton, and Dani never makes it easier, either. It's quite challenging."

Martha smiles knowingly. "That sums up their relationship: challenging. But he has you now, and that's assuring."

"Thank you." I admire Martha and her optimistic views. She can always see good things through any twisted situation. Maybe age comes with this wisdom.

"But yeah, maybe he's just not ready to have a full closure with Dani," Martha says, picking up her ceramic cup, but instead of drinking the tea, she holds the cup below her chin. "Ashton has never been one who talks about his feelings unless his life is on the line. He must think talking about feelings is a sign of weakness. A failure. Abraham thought like that, too."

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