Stealing Glances

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It was decided that Rajwansh family will stay in the Krishnagarh Fort for the time being as the the date for the auspicious occasion was only a month away. The furthur dates would be after a year which was not an option.


Amara didn't know. She was just happy that she would be witnessing every moment of it. In a few days there would be alot of guests who would come down to fort and Amara was very excited for it.

The ceremony was ended peacefully. Her sleep schedule had become just worse. She swiftly got up from the bed and open the drawer of sidetable. Her sleeping tablets were there all along but she didn't want to take it. She knew her- "I will take it just today." had been changed into "Just one more day. I want to sleep."

She could not count how many days she had been tired but her body won't just shutdown and if she did slept-

Her nightmares were worse.

Her mom's death was the most traumatic tragedy she had faced that ruined one precious part of her.

She sighed as she kicked off the sheets. She collected her books to study. Yes. She needed to study even when she was accomplished.

The most underrated fact for any medico that they have given their life for study. A new research which could save their patient. Hours of training just to accomplish one goal- a cured and smiling patient.

She took her books and went outside in the lawn. Her lawn was private. So she had always come here whenever she did not want to go in her room. On the other hand -the nights were always beautiful in Krishnagarh and she would be dumb to miss it.

Her regular seat were her lawn couch. Her dad had gifted her couch as she always carelessly slept on one of chairs before.

Her steps halted as she saw her usual seat was occupied. Her eyes widen when he saw Atharva sitting there in her rather casual clothes. A simple tshirt and joggers yet he was looking so delectable.

His eyes focused on his laptop. He was looking rather busy and sitting very leisurely. She could never understand how he get time to maintain that muscle tone when his work is rather sedentary but Amara was sure. A man like him would be harder to find and impossible to handle.

Atleast for her.

"Wait- Why was she even thinking about him being hers?"

Amara eyes skipped a beat imagining scenerio. One more time and she would diagnose herself - arrhythmic.

She shook her head as she moved towards the couch and sit at the other end. She cleared her throat in an attempt to have his attention.

There was no way in hell she was going back in the room. It was weighting her down. She doesn't want any negative feelings inside her.

Athrava head snapped towards her as he heard her voice.

"Good evening, Princess."

"Good evening, Your highness. Can I sit here?"

A simple "hmm" and nod sound so calming for her. She deligently took her seat. The couch was not big but it was enough for two person. She opened her book and started reading.

When she folded her legs she saw her bare legs. Her eyes widened as she reminded of her night outfit.

Would it be weird for a twenty five year old to wear a panda themed- pair of shorts and tshirt. Her face turned red as she felt quite underdressed to be in front of a king.

Her eyes took a sneak peak at the person beside her. He was still working. She sighed. At least, he hadn't noticed it. When she was just taking a another sneak peak. Her eyes met his. She laughed awkwardly.

"Cue to second hand embarrassment, Amara."

Amara cried in her mind.

"Is there something you want to ask?"

Atharva said as he put his laptop down and checked some papers. His eyes subtly on Amara who had her cheeks on fire.

Amara had never been an awkward person but with him- it was opposite. Its like she don't know- what to speak. She was speechless.

"You are hardworking."

Amara said looking straight at her book. Rubbing the edge of the page to calm her down.

"It seems you are passionate about your work too. That book looks rather intimidating."

Her heart skipped a beat.

Oh God, she was showing symptoms of arrhythmia.

"Trust me, it is intimidating but it is the best choice to read for such a beautiful night. The tricks to save a beautiful yet broken heart."

Amara said as she stared at the stars in the sky then again at him. Her eyes widened as she realised that she had spoken more than required.

"I apologize to bore you out of your mind." Amara said as she come out of her senses."I tend to get swayed by emotions. I think I should go before I take more of your time."

Amara swiftly started to stack her research papers but her hand paused as Atharva placed his hand on hers.

A wild electricity passed on her hand as she looked at him.

"Don't go. Either way we would be sharing this couch for some time."

Amara's eyes furrowed as her mind connected the dots.

"You would be staying here for a month!?"

"Yes. Although your brother and I have been working on a joint venture. I needed to be here anyways.-" he paused as his whole attention went to Amara. "Are you uncomfortable that we have to share the same space for sometime?"

"If you are going to dress like that everyday. Maybe yes."

Her eyes widen. She is going insane. she cleared her throat.

"Of course not. You are not that bad."
She said as Atharva raised his eyebrow.

Atharva eyes lighten as he looked at her. She was looking so beautiful that it hurts to not want her.

"You haven't even seen me bad, Princess."

Atharva said as he moved his face close to her. Amara looked at his face. She cleared her throat as she moved away her face. That was similar to what happens in her books- downright filthy books.

She coughed as she said.

"I think we should go back to what we were doing."

Amara said as her traitor mind was reeling through her smut books right now.

"What were we doing, princess?"
Atharva said. His voice was a little husky.
Amara heart and mind were not coordinating at that sentence.

She still maintained her composure as she perfectly understood his implications.

"Your highness was busy with his impending business meetings and I was just reading my research papers."

She could see Atharva eyes on her. All on her. To elevate some tension. She started reading her papers.

Atharva chuckled as Amara ears perked. She had finally seen him laugh. Ok - similar to laugh. She would do it forever.

Her own smile made way to her face as they again became busy in their work.

Amara didn't remember the last thing before she slept. She felt a comforting hands in her hair messaging her head and a shoulder to lean. She thought it was a dream.

One damn good dream.


A big shout outs to all the medicos out there. We will definitely make this world a better place to live.

Hope you all enjoy the chapter.

Vote like and comment if you really did.

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