18; Tteokbokki & Charm.

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“Penny for your thoughts?”

Amina blinked, suddenly being pulled back into reality. Her gaze cleared, then it fell on the man standing in front of her, having snapped his fingers in front of her to gain her attention.

Seeing the look on his face, she offered him a sheepish smile, blood rushing to her cheeks. “I… I’m sorry I just—” how is she supposed to apologize even? She has no idea.

His chuckle had her string of apology coming to a stop. She sealed her lips shut, feeling embarrassed.

Upon realizing this, he stopped chuckling and then waved it off. “Don’t worry, it happens.” Contrary to Aahil, whom would’ve started an argument with her in that situation, she was met with Dean, whom bless his soul understood that things happen. He then offered her a small, warm grin. “I was worried I was starting to bore you.”

She bit her lower lip, then shrugged. “Just… a tad bit.” She brought her hand up, leaving little space between her thumb and index finger to justify her point.

Dean stared at her with slightly parted lips before he chuckled yet again, feeling a tad bit embarrassed this time around as well. His intention was never to bore her. “I’m sorry I can’t make horse riding lessons fun just like that.”

She shook her head softly. “No, don’t say that. You offering to teach me is more than enough.” And that was the truth.

Horse riding has always been one of the things on her bucket list which she never got to fulfill. So when the guys brought up going for one, she immediately inquired on whether se could tag along. They agreed, and much to her luck, Benazir was on board as well.

Then, Aahil isn’t part of them. A huge bonus!

Anticipation coursed through her veins as they drove into the town to head to a famous horse riding place on the island. Or so they say.

She could only sit back in the passenger seat of the SUV and watch the trees and environment as they pass by. She ended in the same car with Dean—which she was thankful for and unfortunately, Bae Hyun whom made the air tense.

Throughout the drive, only a few words were exchanged between her and Dean, which eventually ended with him playing a song to lighten up the tense air. The other guy simply sat in the back, not uttering a single word. If not for the awkwardness his silence left, they would’ve forgotten of his existence there.

So, you can imagine her happiness when they finally reached the horse park.

As she stepped out of the SUV at Jeju Horse Park, she is immediately captivated by the sight before her. The air is filled with a sweet fragrance from the nearby blossoming flowers, adding to the sense of wonder and excitement. The landscape unfolds like a beautifully painted canvas, with vibrant hues of green stretching out in every direction.

Her eyes are drawn to the graceful horses gracefully grazing in the lush paddocks, their sleek coats shimmering under the warm sunlight. She can’t help but smile as she hears the rhythmic sound of their hooves on the soft ground and the gentle whinnying that fills the air.

The entrance archway stands tall and elegant, inviting her into this equestrian sanctuary. Adorned with lovely horse sculptures, it reflects the park’s deep connection with these magnificent animals. The sight of the main riding arena takes her breath away, framed by the awe-inspiring backdrop of majestic mountains that seem to touch the sky.

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