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Eric insisted on carrying Nora's present-filled bag gallantly, making Martin roll his eyes when he thought no one was looking at him, which made Nora bury half of her face in her scarf to hide her smile, earning herself an eyebrow raised in a silent challenge from him, the effect spoilt by his lips trembling with a suppressed laughter when he noticed that she had noticed.

It only got worse, or better from there, there was no way not to laugh at Daniel and Eric's antics as they played like children on their way towards the town, through the incessant snowfall, turning the descent into a snowball fight. They arrived at Clelia's house laughing and so covered in snow that the old woman almost refused to let them in.

Luckily, she had forgotten to put her make-up on, Nora mused as they were finally allowed to enter after they brushed the snow off each other's clothes and Nora found herself inside Clelia's sitting room, already full of her other invitees, whose eyes were glued to the newcomers as they greeted each other. She would hate it if they, Victoria especially, saw her with a running mascara or a smeared lipstick. This way, the only thing for her to criticise were Nora's blazing cheeks caused by the cold and Martin's closeness, her too bright, excited eyes speaking of feelings she wasn't capable of hiding.

She frowned at Magdalena who had trouble to suppress a laughter at seeing Nora standing between the two brothers before she proceeded to smile at the rest of them, dropping her eyes to the tips of the slippers Clelia chose for her when Victoria did not return her smile.

Martin's arm wrapped around her waist made her feel better, but only slightly. Until he would speak to Victoria directly, Nora's conscience wouldn't be free of the other woman... And she supposed Martin was feeling the same way about Eric... She wanted to scream. Life was unfair; every single gesture created ripples on its surface, strings of responsibilities growing with time. And there was no room for taking false steps, and learning from our mistakes, second chances were too rare... But she was here for the Christmas dinner today, not a philosophy session that was only bound to make her feel pensive, sad, and responsible for her past love, she concluded, as her eyes found Eric's studying her intently.

"Daniel," she whispered, freeing herself from Martin's hold and kneeling in front of the boy who seemed as surprised as she by the amount of attention they were getting, "would you take my presents and put them under the tree? Ask Daddy or Eric should you need help."

The boy nodded happily and ran back into the hall where they had left their coats and shoes while she sneaked out of the room in his wake, heading for the kitchen where she saw Clelia vanish before, leaving the brothers to face the crowd.

Nora insisted on helping Clelia to carry the plates into the sitting room where a long table was placed by the window, inviting everyone to take their seat while she returned with more plates.

She wasn't sure that she appreciated being placed between Martin and Eric, she mused as she finally sat in the place carrying her name, but at least Clelia put Martin on her left, between Nora and herself where she sat at one end of the table, Eric on Nora's right next to Daniel and Lily, and Victoria at the other end. Magdalena, Lino, and their three children occupied the whole opposite side of the table.

Magdalena seemed to be more distracted by Nora's position between Martin and Eric than Nora herself, a thing that Nora found infinitely annoying. She relaxed only when her glass was filled and refilled with wine, and Martin's hand found hers underneath the table.

Her annoyance with her friend returned briefly as she opened her present, sky blue tulle and lace thigh high stockings that set her cheeks ablaze and made her shut the box quickly, refusing to show anyone, thus making their curiosity and teasing remarks multiply.

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