The Execution

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Maggie came back into the shop a couple days later.
"I'll do it." She told the group firmly.
"Really? I thought you'd need more time to-" Aziraphale began.
"Well I was sort of already planning on asking my doctor about it, I just needed the time to process the whole, uh, 'Second Jesus' bit." Maggie informed them.
"You were already planning this?" Crowley asked.
"Yes." Maggie sighed, "Pregnancy terrifies me! I'd like kids some day but it would have to be adoption, or foster, or something else."
Muriel clapped their hands, "Wonderful!"
Maggie nodded, "My appointment is in two weeks, I've already scheduled it. You lot just have to do the rest."
Eric pushed the door open to the bookshop and found his Angel- the angel, not his per se- stacking books onto a shelf.
"Muriel. We need to talk."
Muriel turned around with a bright smile, "Hi Eric, sorry I really can't chat right now, I'm doing the important thing."
Eric leaned against a bookshelf, "and this 'important thing' is going against heaven, is it? Tell me Muriel, what've you started doing? Sleeping? Eating excessively? Have you found some humans to warm your b-"
Muriel looked appalled "No! No nothing of the sort!"
"Just messing with you." Eric defended quickly.
Muriel visibly relaxed, "oh, ok. Well uh, you really should go before-"
"Muriel! Who's that? If you start selling books I'm going to... oh." Crowley had come down the stairs and took one long look at Eric. "What're you doing here."
"Crowley this is my friend, Eric." Muriel began.
"No no no! We aren't friends. I'm just checking in on my earthly nemesis."
Crowley shook his head, "doesn't explain why you're here, though."
"Ah, yeah I'm you're replacement. Lord- former Lord Beelzebub asked for me to take over on earth."
Crowley rolled his eyes, "Alright, Eric is it? Get out."
"Get. Out." Crowley growled, "not saying it again. And if you tell anyone in hell about this I'll have your head. You're disposable aren't you?"
Eric went pale and nodded before darting out of the shop.
Aziraphale fumbled in a few moments after Eric left. "Who was that?" He asked.
"No one." Crowley answered.
"A lost customer." Muriel supplied.
Aziraphale looked suspicious for a moment before realizing he'd- most likely... hopefully- have time to figure it out later.
"Alright, Maggie is heading out to the hospital now. Crowley will wait around for the operation to be done before swapping around the papers, and Muriel will be there with a camera to prove that Crowley was involved in the operation room, they send it to heaven and boom! The second coming is avoided."
"Until they find another Virgin Mary, how do you suspect we'll find them then?" Crowley inquired.
Aziraphale paused, "Uh, well I suppose we shall find out when we get there?" He hesitatingly stepped over to Crowley and put a hand on his arm, drawing away when the former demon winced. "Whatever happens after, we'll do it together. I won't leave you again, not if you don't want me to."
Crowley paused for a moment before swallowing, "Yeah, ok." He cleared his throat and looked away.
Crowley loitered around the front of the hospital, specifically leaning against the sign that said "No loitering" because at heart he was still a demon and was still not a good person. He had an ear piece in and was listening to Aziraphale talk on the other side. When he had explained the concept of these earpieces to Aziraphale before leaving the bookshop for the hospital, the former angels face lit up. "Oh Crowley it's just like those James Bond movies you like!"
Crowley definitely didn't blush at the fact that Aziraphale remembered the things he liked.

"Alright. Nina just said the operation went smoothly, and Maggie is in recovery now. It's your time to shine, my dear." Aziraphale exclaimed, cutting himself off from what he was saying earlier, about wanting to take Crowley for a celebratory lunch when this was over.
Crowley nodded, "ngk, alright. Go time." He paused over the 'my dear' bit, of course the Angel had called him that in the past, but since he got back it had been strictly 'Crowley'.
Crowley walked into the hospital, his clothing changing into teal scrubs (with a long sleeved white shirt under it because his arms had started fading too) he nodded over to the receptionist at the desk and she waved cheerfully back.
When he got to the floor, he spotted Nina and waved. Nina got up and gestured for him to follow her, "right her files in here, just do your thing. You may need to switch around the other file that the hospital keeps for themselves.
Crowley nodded, wiped his finger over the old surgeon's name and watched as it replaced itself with the name "B. Shuite."
He nodded to Nina, told her to take care, and left to go find the other file.
"Hey I need the file for Maggie Sosanya please?" He asked.
The nurse looked at him suspiciously as he leaned against the desk, Crowley waved his hand briefly and quickly and the Nurses face changed. "Of course, I'll get that for you in a jiffy." He said, rolling away in his chair to a filing cabinet.
"Thank you." Crowley said absentmindedly, taking the file from his hands and wiping his thumb over the name. He heard the click of a camera and swallowed, trying not to turn his head. If he looked up just a little bit, he knew he'd be able to see Muriel, holding up a camera and taking some pictures for heaven.
He handed back the file, "Alright thank you. Knew there was a switch up of names. All sorted out now, see you."
He hurried out of the hospital, switched his clothes and slid into the seat with a huff. After taking a breath for a few moments, he started up the car.
"It's ok, you're fine. The plan will work, it has to." He muttered to himself.
He pulled into the front of the bookshop, and threw open the door. Aziraphale rushed in and smiled, visibly relaxing at the sight of him.
"Did it all work out?" He began before Crowley gasped sharply and fell over.
"Crowley!" He rushed over to his friend's side.
"I'm fine, Aziraphale." Crowley huffed.
"No, no I don't believe you are. What's going on?"
Crowley shook his head, "just panicked I suppose."
Aziraphale shook his head gently, hoisting Crowley up and half dragging him to the sofa in the back room. "Panicked? Why?"
Crowley wasn't really panicking, well he was, but that wasn't the reason for the collapse. His entire body was in pain and he swore he could feel more of himself fading.
"What if... what if it doesn't work? What do we do then?" Crowley asked.
"Oh, Crowley." Aziraphale looked at him before pulling him into a hug. "We'll find something. I told you we'd do it together, right?"
Crowley would've been sobbing out of the pure emotion of this moment if he wasn't closer to sobbing out of pain first. But he took a deep breath, and hugged the Angel back.
"Yeah." He breathed, "Together."

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