Hunter: The things I do for food

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I don't know about you, but I missed being inside Hunter's head. ;)

My favorite food was everything.

Eating was my favorite exercise and I couldn't go on a single hour without chewing something. I considered time that I wasn't eating a wasted time. It was just evil, wrong and unproductive.

Pen perfectly knew it so she was using the knowledge to her advantage.

I scowled at her as she wiggled an especially juicy piece of ribs in front of my face. I could see the juices coming out of the meat. It was love at first sight.

"Come on, just one bite." I pleaded.

"Answer my question first and I will let you have one bite." She said in a singsong voice.

What the hell. Girls were cruel.

When Pen assigned me to the grill earlier, I almost jumped out of joy because it just meant that I'd be able to sneak a taste of everything while grilling. I should've known better. The girl had been watching me like a hawk ever since we started cooking. She didn't even let me taste the potato salad she brought even when I so selflessly volunteered to taste it to be sure it wasn't poisoned. She should be thankful that I was willing to sacrifice my life to ensure their safety. But nope. Not even a single thanks.

I thought she was my friend but I couldn't feel the love right now.

"Why are you so mean to me?" I pouted, giving her my best puppy dog eyes look.

"I'm not being mean. I'm just being practical. Remember the last time we went swimming and we left you to the grill? We all starved when lunch came because you've already eaten more than half of the food." she said, cringing at the memory.

Cal glanced up from peeling the husks off of the corn cobs that we'd grill later after we're done with the ribs.

"I remember that." He said with a poker face. "I almost killed him that day but you stopped me." He frowned at Pen as if it was her fault I was still alive right now.

I crossed my arms over my chest. I didn't appreciate it when my friends teamed up against me.

"I was only sixteen back then and still growing. I needed the nutrition and sustenance to be a big boy."

I've explained it to them a thousand times but they still wouldn't forgive me. These people were so hateful. Couldn't we just forgive and forget?

Cal scoffed.

"You certainly weren't sixteen when you devoured one whole box of fourteen inches pizza last week and left only one solo-sized box for Rush, Parker and I to share, you asshole." He retorted.

"And you also weren't sixteen anymore when you guilt-trip me into giving you the entire bag of KitKats I bought yesterday." Pen added, dropping the ribs back onto the grill using tongs. I looked at the juicy meat with longing.

I didn't understand why they were bringing up all of that now. Didn't they realize they were hurting my delicate feelings?

I looked at Cal with pained eyes.

"My darling Cal, it pains me to see you getting all worked up just because of a pepperoni pizza that isn't even your favorite pizza. But in my defense, I ordered another box of pizza right after I realized I ate the entire box. And it was Hawaiian, just like how you like it. It's not my fault that you were already drooling in your sleep when the pizza guy came back."

Cal shot me an impressive glare.

"I don't like Hawa..."

He wasn't able to finish the sentence because I already put my finger over his lips to shut him up.

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