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Sunday 🦊



Today I got up, and chilled for a bit, then I went to church, I came home and ate lunch, then I played Roblox until tea. Now I am here writing ( no way ) .

Tomorrow will be my first full week at my school. 😭 Aaaa.


I'm not fully sure, but I might have felt some sort of tail when I was at church? I'm pretty sure I felt something moving, like a tail would. I am still figuring out if I am therian or not. But I might be leaning to being a therian a bit more!

I really want to get better at quadrobics. I have definitely improved since my first entry. I just feel so happy when I do quads. Sorry if that all sounded a bit cringy.

That's all for today. :)

~ Lia/Ash 🎸

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