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"I understand what you mean now. Her mother seems nice but it didn't go unnoticed how she looked at you." Arianna said and sat down on the couch.

We were back in my hotel room, waiting until we had to leave for dinner. Tessa had joined Elsa and her mother to help them prepare for tonight, leaving the three of us alone. I was suspicious as to why she would invite us but it was fine with me. The closer I was to her, the faster I could find out what kind of person she was.

"She doesn't even try to hide the fact that she hates you." Arianna laughed and I smirked.

If only she knew why her mother hated me this much. Not only did she hate me for who I was, but also for getting her daughter pregnant. That alone was giving me satisfaction because I knew she hated that her daughter was carrying my child. And there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

"Did you talk to Tessa?" I turned to look at Dante.

"She doesn't know much either. She noticed Elsa's parents were growing cold towards each other and were fighting more. They had one big fight, she left and never looked back. They fall apart and about Elsa being with her mother..Elsa's father didn't want anybody in our circle to find out about them so they don't talk about them.ever."

"There is definitely something interesting about that story. I will suggest a sleepover and see what I can dig out. Who knows, maybe even her mother will start to open up." Arianna said.

"What makes you think you will get her mother to talk? She's wary of you too." I raised a brow at her.

"Yes, but less of me than the two of you. I have my ways and you have yours. Mine is to slowly get them all drunk, let her warm up to me and she will talk. If she's anything like Elsa when she's drunk, she will definitely talk." She snorted in amusement.

"The good old spiking trick?" Dante looked at Arianna, giving a half-smirk.

"It has proven to be very effective in the past." She snickered. It was her favorite trick to do whenever she wanted to get any kind of information. It was only effective because of the way she looked. Arianna could look innocent if she wanted to, and since not everyone knew she was our sister, no one got suspicious of her. Arianna was great at what she does and always came back with valuable information on whoever was the target.

I had seen her in action, and though I was not particularly happy with how she worked, she always got the job done. She would casually walk up to the bar, and pretend she was lonely until her eyes landed on target. She would flirt with them from a distance, and smile at them now and then until they approached her. And they always fell for it. Being intrigued by the beautiful woman who was all by herself.

Once captured by her, it was game over for them.

The only reason I let her do her own thing was I knew she was highly skilled with weapons and knew how to defend herself. Otherwise, there was no way in hell I would have ever let her go near anyone.

"That's fine, but you can't spike Elsa's drinks." I told her firmly. A frown formed on her face.

"I can't only let one person get drunk. I need them all drunk so they don't get suspicious of my questions." Arianna continued to argue.

"She's right." Dante commented but I only shook my head at them.

"I said don't do it."

"I get that you're protective of her, but I'm not going to get her drunk to the point she gets fucked up and dies." She kept pressing on. I pinched the bridge of my nose, annoyed she couldn't follow a simple order.

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