Endless Visitors

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When I awoke the next day, the bleeding had stopped, and my wounds had been patched up. Bandages and stitches covered my body. The pain had barely subsided, but I found psychological comfort in the strong scent of the sheets I lay in. Not far from my elbow was Andrews' dormant face. Head placed on his arms, he sat on his white carpet, top of his body on his bed as though he has fallen asleep watching me. He couldn't possibly be comfortable. Neck and back awkwardly bent, he'd be aching when he woke. I considered waking him or moving him onto the bed, but I still couldn't move. I was completely drained, not nearly enough energy and in too much pain to even lift my hand. Attempting to lift him was out of the question, and I feared if I woke him, I wouldn't be able to get him to go back to sleep. And by the looks of it he needed.

      He had made a quick and poor attempt to wash his hands. They looked much better but remained blood covered, as did the rest of his body and carpet. I prayed he had locked the door. The room looked like a murder scene, someone walking in before it was cleaned would be dreadful.

      "Strange to be in his presence and not hear his voice, isn't it?" Mimpi joked lightly.

     Turning towards her voice, I winced, painfully having moved my neck, chin rubbing along its scratchy, bandaged surface.

     "Don't look at me like that," I said, voice raspy.

     Pity. She was giving me the sad smile I so hated.

     "Sympathy a natural human emotion."

     "Well, it's making me feel like an even greater failure," I complained.

      "Not a failure," she stated firmly, continuing despite my grumbling. "I never expect so many attacks, if I did, I be afraid you fail... but you didn't. You prove me wrong. You much better warrior than you think, better than I thought you could ever be. Though you come close, you not die. No fatalities. You saved everyone and Kundanskie's people were taken care of... That far from failing to me."

     "Everyone made it out?" I asked. "Wayan and his friend had no problems?"

     Mimpi frowned. "Why would they?"

     "You haven't heard from them?" I panicked, darting my eyes to the locked window and then to the hopefully locked door, respirations and pulse immediately picking up.

     "Calm down," she requested calmly. "Xander talked to them this morning, they ok. They visit Sushila in infirmary... Why?"

      "Someone followed me last night, they said they'd take care of them— Who's Sushila and why is she in the infirmary?"

     "Someone follow Xander too, she help him fight."

     "Are the kids alright?" I demanded, wincing as I tried to sit up.

     "Yes. They saw nothing."

     "And Sushila?"

     "Badly injured but she going to be ok... Don't," she warned. "Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault Clara—"

     "Clara?" Andrews' sleepy voice asked.

     "Hmm," I hummed, enduring the pain of moving my hand, to brush a loose strand of hair from his forehead. I only had few more moments to enjoy a calm Andrews.

     "You're awake!" He jumped to his feet, groaning as he straightened his back and neck with a loud crack. "How are you feeling? Anything hurt more than it should? Can I get you anything?"

      "I'm alright," I interrupted. "Just please slow down."

      "Right. Sorry."

      Taking a moment to study me, eyes roaming every inch of my body he finally nodded, as if satisfied with what he saw and bolted. He ran across the room, hastily filling his arms with the textbooks from his desk and medical kit from his nightstand drawer.

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