Chapter 26 | Carnival Fun

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She'd been familiarizing herself with his things

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She'd been familiarizing herself with his things.

Raising one of his shirts- she'd tuck it over her head and pull it over herself. Riot liked to think she was a big and muscular woman, but the stature of a man would always oversize her. Though, his boxers would likely fit her.

Her heart ached in her chest- the familiar feeling of anxiety washing over her. She'd rest a hand on it with furrowed brows.

This would be the first night she'd spend with him; Two adults who haven't had any action in eons.

Pursing her lips- the she-wolf approached the queen-sized bed.

Cronus lied on one side with the sheets over him- a hand resting on his forehead as he kept his eyes closed. When the bed dipped due to her weight, he'd curtly open one eye to watch this. Sliding under the sheets and resting her head on the pillow.
He'd roll onto his side, hands dipping around her body and tugging her close greedily. His nostrils flared- digging his face into her shoulder and sniffing. "That's my shirt." He'd quietly comment, as if the silence in the bedroom would shatter.

"It is." She'd confirm- a hand dipping into his hair to massage his scalp.

The man closed his eyes. "Didn't take you for a shirt stealer..." He muttered.

Riot snickered, "I always was." She'd pat his head, "You mean to tell me you never noticed your clothing go missing?"

"No??" He leaned his head back to stare at her in shock, "You used to steal my clothes?"

"All the time."

He'd open his lips- unable to speak- before shaking his head with narrowed brows. "That's preposterous. I would've noticed."

She'd rest a hand on his cheek before tracing his jaw, "Would've, but didn't." 

Cronus still didn't believe her, in shock that such reality could be true- though. Riot used to go into his room, since she was always welcomed, and steal shirts or boxers from him. The smell was comforting.

Slowly- the couple pressed their foreheads together. The silence of the night lulled them, raindrops thundering against the cold windows as a storm groaned throughout the night. 

He leaned forward- lips feathering against hers- yet she'd hold a finger up against them. "There's something I'd like to ask you." Riot whispered softly.

His eyes searched her expression- pursing his lips in clear dissatisfaction. "Mm?" He'd hum. 

There was something she always wanted to do.

"Can I meet him?"

Cronus' eyes softened, a smile tugging at his lips. He knew. "Not much left I can do to hold him back." 

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