Right Place, Wrong Song

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A surge of panic washed over me, freezing my body in place as if the entire world had turned to ice. Instead of the piano track I recorded for "Right Place, Wrong Time", my next song, the slow build-up of "One Last Time", my second song filled the air instead.

It was not only the wrong song but also in the wrong key, soaring higher than what I had submitted. Before I could even register and tell them they had gotten it wrong, the music started and I guess I had to, too.

The opening note escaped my lips flat and shaky, and the lyrics felt foreign to my tongue as I struggled to match my voice to the incorrect key. I stood there like a statue, unwilling to move, unwilling to acknowledge that anything existed beyond this nightmarish moment. The audience's cheers transformed into confused murmurs, their anticipation giving way to bewilderment.

As the chorus arrived, I tried to reach those high notes, but my voice cracked mercilessly like a dove running into a pole. I sighed defeated, and the lyrics slipped past me like a missed bus. I tried to catch up, but my voice didn't keep pace, trailing hopelessly behind the already high lyrics.

Just when it felt like the torment would never end, Brian mercifully raised his hand, signalling for the music to stop. Relief washed over me, but a sense of dread quickly overshadowed it.

I knew this couldn't be happening. Mom was right. I had embarrassed myself on this grand stage. Maybe if I listened to her, I wouldn't have thrown it all away.

But then Brian leaned into his microphone, and my attention snapped back to him. "Ezra, I'm going to be honest," he began, his words hanging heavy in the air. "That wasn't a great performance."

Defeat sunk in me, weighing my spirit. My dreams had crumbled as quickly as they had been built up.

However, Brian's voice softened. "But," he continued, his words offering a lifeline, "I can see that you have some serious potential. I wonder... Do you have a second song?"

My heart leaped within my chest, hope reigniting like a flickering flame. "Yes!" I exclaimed, the desperation coating my voice. Brian and Fairouz jumped in their seats, taken aback by my sudden outburst. I forged ahead, fuelled by a newfound resolve. "I have a second song. I can sing it for you right now!"

"Okay," Brian agreed, his tone laced with curiosity.

Stepping back, I felt a surge of confidence growing within me, slowly but surely. Finally, the right track began to play, and with each beat, hope blossomed in my chest. I closed my eyes, surrendering myself to the rhythm.

My love for you only grew as time went by


Finding you was finding the missing piece of my life

You trapped me

Cornered my heart

Into a cage I cannot seem to find my way out of

But as I go through

My life

I cannot picture you without you leaving

What a shame, yeah

I really took all the blame yeah, yeah

The fantasy in my head I had built of you

Was never going to come true

What a shame, yeah

I really take all the blame

But I met you in the right place

In the right place

But I'm here at the wrong time

When I felt my heart crumbling

I'll remember the good times

But I won't linger too much

Or else the pain will take over me!

What a shame, yeah

I really took all the blame yeah, yeah

The fantasy in my head I had built of you

Was never going to come true

What a shame, yeah

I really take all the blame

But I met you in the right place

In the right place

But I'm here at the wrong time

I blinked my eyes open, and the following was short of electrifying. Thunderous applause crashed at my senses, echoing through the auditorium. Did I finish the song?

Fairouz and Brian sprang to their feet, clapping enthusiastically with the audience, creating a symphony of appreciation. I turned to Mom, who wore a surprised expression that quickly melted into approval. A smile spread across my face, impossible to contain.

Was this what it felt like?

The applause winded down, and I exhaled, feeling the weight lift from my shoulders. Relief washed over me like a warm embrace.

"Ezra! Ezra! Ezra!" Brian's voice boomed through the room, causing me to cough out a delighted laugh.

"Yes?" I replied, and everyone laughed for some reason.

"That was an amazing song! I'm so glad we gave you a second chance!" Fairouz exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious. "Was that an original?"

I nodded, speechless with astonishment.

"You are one heck of a songwriter!" Fairouz continued, and I laughed, a mix of disbelief and pure elation bubbling within me. "You have such a unique voice, and it blends in beautifully."

"Thank you!" I managed to reply.

Fairouz thought I was a talented writer. Me?

"Ezra," Brian interjected, his eyes widening with curiosity. "Have you ever sung in front of an audience before?"

"Not really," I confessed, and a collective gasp swept through the crowd. Brian's eyes widened in surprise, and I guess Fairouz did too underneath those massive sunglasses.

"You not only have a stunning voice, but you have incredible stage presence," Fairouz complimented, her words igniting a spark of confidence within me. "If you make it, I truly believe you'll go far."

"Thank you!" I exclaimed once again, the words spilling out in a rush.

I was barely able to contain my excitement and mumbled my final gratitude before scurrying off the stage. Compliments swirled around me like a whirlwind, each one lifting my spirits higher. My brain struggled to process it all, but my heart understood every word.

Mom's arm wrapped around me in a tight embrace, and I squeezed her back. "Good job," she whispered. "Whatever happens next, know that you did amazing, and you don't need this show to sing."

I stiffened momentarily, absorbing her words.

You and Me (Plus Everyone In Between Us)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon