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It's Sunday!
Ugh it's Sunday.

Kiyomi felt like Saturday went by too quickly. He didn't get to spend as much time as he would have wanted with Sora and Rin, but at least Haruki was warming up to him. Maybe?

The first night, Kiyomi had missed his chance to sleep with beautiful men surrounding him. On the second night, both he and Sora were given their own room to sleep in with an attached bathroom. His was right next to Rin's with Sora's being on the other side.

Kiyomi dressed into more presentable clothing consisting of black loose-fitting joggers and a white long sleeve shirt. He put on the gray slippers he was borrowing and left the bedroom to join everyone for breakfast.

"Good morning, Kiyomi!" Sora greeted happily. Patiently awaiting the savory breakfast to come.

"Morning." Kiyomi felt sluggish. You have a full day with your future husbands. Stop acting like a little 8 year old, he heard in his head. You're right! I have one more day to spend with my husbands! I should cherish this moment dearly.

"Are you feeling okay, Kiyomi?" Sora's eyebrows furrowed together. Wisteria irises peeked through the violet bangs.

The ends of his lips curled into a cunning smile. Rose eyes clouded with mischief. A faint shadow appeared over his soft and unblemished skin.

"Oh my dear, Sora~. I just feel upset thinking how I didn't get to spend time with you. I've missed you so much." As he spoke, Kiyomi strode over to Sora and cupped his face. Bringing him closer to his own.

Starry lavender eyes darkened as they gazed into pure pink sapphire. His heart drummed loudly in his ears. His palms grew sweaty. The hands caressing his cheeks felt warm like they were enveloping his heart.

"Kiyomi?" The one with black hair heard the silky tired voice of Rin call out his name. Both looked over towards the blonde. His silver eyes had no shine to them, but that's how they always are. 

"Good morning, Rin!" Kiyomi got up from Sora's side and walked over to Rin.

Sora felt the warmth slip away from his presence.  No longer wrapped around him. His lips turned downward the tiniest bit before he shook his head and greeted Rin.

Kiyomi took the blonde's larger hand within his own two, he brought it up to his chest and gently kissed his knuckles. "I hope you had a good nights rest?"

"Uh-yes. I did." For a moment, Rin felt flustered and his cheeks tinted a cute pink color.

"What are you blushing about moron!" The loud and rambunctious voice belonging to Haruki boomed across the dining room.

"You shouldn't be so loud. You'll end up disturbing Ms. Lina and everyone else, too." Kiyomi lectured the pink haired male, who only in turn, rolled his eyes behind his clear framed glasses.

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