Chapter Five

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When I wake up, I'm laying on the long sofa in the living room, my head propped up on the armrest. There's a young man I don't recognize sitting on the couch at my feet. He's talking quietly with Alessandro and Francesco.

When I realize my feet are propped on the young man I don't recognize's lap, I'm alert and I leap up, pulling my knees to my chest instantly. All eyes turn to me as I look around the room for the twins.

"They're at school," Francesco mutters, his head still in his hands.

"You've been out for a few hours," Alessandro explains, "Its half past 3." 

The room is silent for a moment before Francesco breaks the silence, slamming his phone down on the table and storming out of the living room.

The one sitting beside stays where he is. "I'm Elijah. I'm your second oldest brother."

"Okay," I say hoarsely.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

I can feel Alessandro's stare on me.

"I feel okay."

Alessandro sits down between me and Elijah, he reaches forward and before I can even comprehend what anyone is doing I flinch away. I feel stupid when I realize he's checking my temperature. Elijah looks concerned, Alessandro doesn't react, just placing the back of his hand on my head before standing back up.

"She feels fine, probably just the shock from yesterday."

I want to tell him its not, but I catch Francesco's eye, he's standing in the hallway, watching from behind the wall and if I snitch, he'll kill me. Things Daniel has said come to mind.

One word of what I do in my household to anyone else, and I'll kill you. I'll fucking kill you.

I begin to tremble, Elijah takes off his brown jacket and drapes it over my shoulders, mistaking me shivering for me being cold "Are you thirsty?" I nod shakily, he stands up and thankfully doesn't try to pat me on the shoulder or anything, I'm too jumpy to handle anyone touching me at all.

"Is there anything you want to tell the truth about?" Alessandro says. He leaves the question open. I could tell him what happened in the hallway. I could tell him what mom and Daniel did. I could tell him what Daniel's brothers did. I could tell him what Daniel's and mom's friends did.

I could tell him any of these things. But I know for certain it would do nothing but make them hate me more. They'd think I was disgusting and ruined. How could I be their little sister when I was so...Broken.

So I shake my head, "No. Just nerves," I say quietly.

He nods and I can tell that I'm testing his patience. But I don't get it. They can drag me out of my room, yell at me, grab me, take away my free will and then demand I tell them everything? It doesn't seem fair.

I immediately feel ungrateful. Talking about unfair when they gave me a place to live. These thoughts battle in my mind as I stand up and take what little confidence I have to walk around Alessandro and into the kitchen.

Elijah is stirring a mug, he looks over at me and slides the mug over to me, "Try it."

I glance in the cup, it looks like plain Hot Cocoa to me. I hesitate, "Why don't you try it first?" I offer. He looks a bit confused but takes a sip nonetheless, grinning slightly, "It tastes good."

I cautiously take a sip, and sigh in relief and contentment, "It's good."

He grins easily, "Thanks. It's a special recipe."

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