Insecurities + Getting Ready For The First Date

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Natalia pov:

After Cole apologized I went in the shower and changed into my clothes. Since we were just going to an Ice cream/ Lunch place which was casual I just wore normal clothes.

My outfit:

I did have a black tank top underneath though

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I did have a black tank top underneath though. Then I heard a knock on my door but by the knock I could tell it was Leo.

"Come in leonard" I said giggling

"Ugh you know I hate my full name" Leo said chuckling

"Yea I know" I said as my bathroom door was open and he sat on my bed as I put a little mascara on.

I usually don't wear making but ever since I started dating Jake I feel like I had to because of the posted he likes. All the girls have makeup on yet they look nothing like me. But they all look like his ex they all look like prom queens. I am the totally opposite of that the only person that looks like a prom queen is Katherine and they are close as well.

He is also close with McKenzie too but idk it's something about him and Katherine but I guess it's just because we're best friends ....

"Sis.. why are you putting on makeup?....I mean yea I know I wear makeup buts that's only because these girls are legit obsessed with me and they can't tell I'm gay." Leo said as he stood up and walked to me in the bathroom taking the mascara from my hand.

"Idk anymore it's just... I guess Jake likes girls that wear makeup..." I say twirling my hands.. which I usually do when I feel insecure.

"What makes you say that" Leo says as he is now holding a makeup remover wipe in his hand.

"Well the 2 girls he dated before they always have makeup on and they just I don't know prettier than I am." I paused

"Nat are you joking there ain't no girl that's pretty than you.. okay! You better pop off queen... but you don't need makeup.... Your to pretty for that....Close your eyes " Leo said the first part concerned.. the second part with sass and then the third part reassuring.

As I close my eyes Leo began to remove my makeup I had blush on and mascara and highlighter on not a lot...but enough to tell I had makeup on.

"Open your eyes" Leo said

As I open my eyes and look in the mirror I smile. I am prettier without makeup on I just idk don't feel like I am.

"See much better" Leo said elbowing me a little and chucking

I just smile and say " Thank you"

"You should be thanking yourself for being so pretty" Leo saying winking making me giggle

"Alright let's gooo" Leo says grabbing my hand as we drags me out of my room.

As we go downstairs only Ryan, Theo, Nico and Noah and Lucas are there.

"Hey Jellybean" Lucas says as I walk up to him and he kisses my head

"Hiii" I say smiling Then I look at Noah and he does this confused look when he looks at my outfit immediately realized he is trying to figure out if I have a shirt under.

"I have a shirt under don't worry" I say as I lift my arms up

He just smirks and kisses my temple and say " Remember the rules".

"Yes I know, No kissing, I can hold hands just no kissing, No trying to get away from Leo or Theo, No being disrespectful for Leo and Theo even if they are 3 years older than me they are still aloud to punish me and take my phone , No having attitude and Have fun." I say smiling

With that all my brothers start chucking.

"Good looks like you got that down" Ryan says moving my head back and forth

"Yep, Kinda hard to forget" I giggle

"I am sure it is having 12 brothers around you to remind you" Nico says hugging me .

I just smile.

"Alright letsss go" Theo says as he grabs the car key

Theo and Leo knows how to drive but Theo usually does because Leo is usually to busy trying to fix his makeup so girls don't think he straight he been asked out 40 times in the last 3 months.

Will I wonder how this is going to go? Is this date going to go well? Is Jake going to judge me? Do I look to casual? Ughh I don't know!

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