can I come over

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Y-"I didn't tell him so hopefully he's home"

Chloe-"yall are too cute"

She laughed a little


Mike-"ouch what I do"

Chloe-"go move halfway accross the world so I can book a flight to see u"

He smiled

Mike-"u would do that for me"

Chloe-"yes bye go hurry up"

Mike-*laughs I'm not going no where mama

He crawled over her and kissed her cheek

Chloe-"u don't want me to travel half way accross the world to come see u"

Mike-"no because imma be with u 24/7 u wouldn't need a reason to come halfway accross the world"

Chloe-"but what if it's for work"

Mike-"id quit just to be with u princess"

She put her lip put and looked at him


Chloe-"him wuv me for reals"

Mike-"I do"

He kissed on her

Chloe-"stop it or imma cry for real"

They laughed

Y-"imma call u back this him"

Chloe-"alright drive safe make good choices"

Y-"yes ma'am"

She hung up and answered


Zay-"good morning gorgeous"

Y-"good morning king"

Zay-"u know I only like my middle name when u say it"

They laughed

Zay-"where u going this early"

Y-"to come see u"

He blinked twice

Zay-"wym by that"

Y-"what is it suppose to mean"

Zay-"u not coming all the way out here"

Y-"yes I am"



Zay-"why are u lying"

Y-*laughs why would I lie im like 2 and a half hours out

Zay-" your not"

Y-"check my location"

He looked


He yelled she laughed


Zay-"fix your location

Y-"it is fixed"

Zay-"why is it moving stop moving"

Y-"because I'm moving maybe I should slow down a little bit I'm going 80 in a 60"

Zay-"maybe 75"

Y-"ok 75"

She slowed down


Y-*laughs yes

Zay-"I swear if u at my door in 3 hours imma buy u a island"

Y-"I don't want a island I want u"

my random Ideas pt 3Where stories live. Discover now