wet again

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It had barely been a week since Gracie experience her first mess and subsequent blowout before the desire to indulge in her dirty little secret piled up like the poop in her pants, she had only wet and messed once each time despite becoming infatuated by it though she couldn't pin point the exact driving force behind her fascination with the taboo acts. She sat at her desk and eyed the wall heavily consumed by the thoughts with her full bladder only there to hammer the nail in deeper as she replayed the events on the imaginary movie screen in her head, the random thought that seemed innocent yet ended up guiding her to a much messier place, maybe she enjoyed it the way she did because she knew it was naughty not to keep you're pants clean on purpose or perhaps it was simply a quirk in her brain.

The farther the thought spread the more she found herself yearning to unleash a warm stream into her pants becoming thoroughly familiar with the aching pleasure in her bladder "Gracie? Are you paying attention?" Blinking back the dirty fantasy she had been replaying Gracie was startled by her professor's words she awkwardly came up with a response "yes sir, I... I need to use the restroom." She blushed furiously at the impulsive thoughts that were obviously becoming to much to keep inside much like the lake of warm light yellow that filled her "oh! Why didn't you say so? Go right ahead." An adrenaline rush once again began as Gracie got up from her desk, speed walking out of the classroom to avoid having to look anyone directly in the eye. Her pace slowed as she made her way down the hall and peeked into the bathroom where three girls stood at the sink all chatting with each other in hushed voices "nope. Too many people." Gracie thought to herself and crept by the bathroom heading to a place where she knew would be empty where she could truly get some relief, The locker rooms that were separate from the gym would be the perfect place to pee her pants as discreetly as possible not only did the shower area have drains but she could wash away the smell as well afterwards and change in to the spare clothes she kept in her gym locker, she paused briefly attempting to add more motivation to her plan focusing on the thought of other people wetting their pants made it a hundred times harder for her to hold it even if she wasn't super desperate to go.

As easy as she predicted a spurt shot in to her panties leaving a very damp spot she loved the way her panties would ever so slightly balloon out right as she peed in them then quickly deflated as the liquid stopped overwhelming the fabric, enjoying the moment she had the motivation she needed to hurry to the locker rooms hoping no one had been in sight of her purposely letting a little bit out she got through the halls and out to main walk way trying to avoid the cameras that of course were constantly spying.  Taking the back entrance to the locker rooms stopping to listen at the door assuring herself that she was alone she pushed herself inside letting the door creek shut behind her, "now or never..." she whispered to the empty room heart pounding in her chest with anticipation and a fair amount of anxiety there was no doubt what she was doing was risky yet that also seemed to be part of the enjoyment of it, she relaxed her bladder to remind herself of the reason she was here while she silently went in to the shower area finding the most secluded drain planting her feet at either side of it her mind raced "I need to pee soooo bad" in truth she could have held it hours longer but the need to pee in her pants was urgent, with shakey breath she held herself steady and concentrated on relaxing telling herself how safe she was and that she could pee as much as she wanted while that did help get things moving she needed something more, more dirty than simple reassurance, she let her mind wander until she found herself thinking of being so desperate she had to run to the locker room to not have an accident in front of her entire gym class.

The thought of herself squirming and bouncing around gave way to a trickle in her still damp panties moaning but keeping her voice quiet the trickle became a spurt that leaked through the sodden fabric and in to her tight jeans, grabbing her pussy through the dampening fabric Gracie pretended to not want to lose control yet the growing wet patch that spread from her inner thighs before dripping down her legs told otherwise she'd be lying if she said the warmth overtaking her pants didn't leave her tingling in more places than one the wetness consumed her pants turning most of the front a dark hue of blue three shades darker than the little dry areas that were left all the way down to her ankles to where it pattered and pooled on the cold tile flooring before seeping down the drain "I think I had an accident~" she giggled to herself rubbing her thighs together relishing the warm peed on pants and the slick noise they made when friction was applied.

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