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Azeen got nervous by looking at the note. She started reading it with fast heartbeat
"Must be surprised right? I just wanna say that you looked extremely beautiful at all the events of Adil's marriage. For a moment I thought I would never be able to breathe again. When Dadi told me that she wanted me to get married I couldn't just accept the fact but as soon as she mentioned you I knew that you were the only person I wanted to spend my whole life with. You are really team Fatheen's Bhabhi. In just these few days you have made a special place in my life. I like you. Don't ever think that I am marrying you because somebody forced me. It's completely my decision. I want you to be my life partner. I want you to be mine and only mine. I don't know about these feelings but you made me feel those things that nobody ever did. Your eyes are very beautiful and look more beautiful when you give those wide eyes look. Ok now stop blushing. I know you are already red like a tomato. Azeen you and I both know what we have between us. It can't be expressed in words. Maybe it's ulfat or more than that. But whatever it is it's extremely special and pure. I hope liked your gift. And I forgot to mention that I had noticed that you requested to follow me on Instagram three years ago. Already drooling over me huh

Your future husband"

Azeen was blushing so much that she could feel the heat on her cheeks. She hid her face in her hands and bent on the pillow. She couldn't stop her smile. After added her on Instagram. The whole night she couldn't believe whatever happened thinking
"How can she be this lucky?"

Azeen's parents were ready to marry her off in the Khan family. They just wanted Inaya to get married first but due to Azeen's medical condition they agreed Although she was fine now but still, doctor advised them to get her married as it's not good to take the risk

Imran walked to Azeen who hugged her father seeing him. Since childhood, she used to cling to her father as soon as she saw him. He kissed her forehead and made her sit on the bed asking
"Azeen what do you think about Fateh's proposal? Feel free to express your feelings. Remember I am your best friend first then Dad"

"I am ready to marry him but at the same time I don't wanna leave you"
Azeen said with tears in her tears that brought tears to her father's eyes

"Every girl has to leave someday but I am not like backward fathers. I will always be there for you in every situation but will never support you in the wrong. I know you're extremely stubborn always saying if you will not provide me this I will not eat for the whole day or always yelling and shouting they will not bear this. You have to make some compromises but the same goes with Fateh. You're young you will make wrong decisions for sure but my daughter will learn from it and never try to run away from the situation. You're strong enough to learn from the past. I will be there for you always but it's your life. You have to take it seriously. Marriage is not a fairy tale You will get hurt by many things your husband will get hurt by many things but you guys have to sort it out and not keep any grudges in your heart. Azeen make sure that your husband is respected by your family if you expect love and respect from him then you should return the same. I will not say you can't share anything with us. You can for sure. But not everything. Remember Azeen you will get settled with him or your in-laws but do you think I will ever be able to forgive someone who will hurt my precious daughter. You are my whole universe Azeen. My daughters are the most special people for me in the world. I think this is the best proposal for you that's why I agreed to it. But if I will ever be proven wrong then forgive your father thinking he only wants the best for his daughters. My daughters are my best friend. If you like anyone and saying yes due to me then please tell I promise I will support just like I supported Inaya. Azeen it's not a sin to express your feelings to your parents. Instead of taking advise from some best friend you should say it all to your parents because are most precious thing to them. They will never want something bad for you. And parents should be understanding enough to let their child express it's feelings. I will consider the proposal I promise if it's good for you I will agree to it but if it's not good and still you wanna marry that person then I will not stop you but I will not take any responsibility for your future. But remember if somebody hurts you your father will be more hurt than you. I love you my life. Now tell me if there's anything like this"
Imran said while holding her hands

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