000. Cigarette Psychology

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'Coffee Culture' never was very busy. The same customers came in and ordered the same thing. Mrs Williams orders her extra hot Flat White, Charlie Swan orders his Black Coffee (to go), Jessica Stanley orders her Iced Latte, Paul Lahote orders a Hot Chocolate (Pussy), Rosalie Hale and Alice Cullen: now their order always confused her. Every week, on Friday, at 4pm without fail the two would come in and order their drinks. Alice would get herbal tea while Rosalie, had a hot brew. Saskia would watch them intently every time, just like she was today. She'd pretend to be reading her book about Witches, Wolves, and More but would sneak glances over the top of the pages looking at the two as they talked. Never once touching their drinks. She knew that in an hour she'd go collect their cold mugs, filled fully with drinks.

Today was no different. Friday. 4:39pm. Sas leaned against the counter, elbows propping her up, hands holding the book low enough that she could see their mouths move. Gods, she wished she had super hearing like the wolves she'd briefly skim-read about. She just couldn't understand them. They were so mysteriously beautiful. She often found herself awed by their sharp features and intimidating eyes. There was something about them she wanted to know more about. She always had wanted to talk to them but found herself feeling nervous no matter how welcoming Alice's smile was, or how sultry Rosalie's voice was. What could they be talking about?

The bell of the door rang as it opened, the sign of someone entering. Saskia's gaze was torn away from the two pale girls and instead onto someone who seemed the complete opposite. Paul Lahote. Tanned. Tall. Athletic. Muscly. Every girl's dream. Saskia can't say she's never admired him before, he was perfection. Unfortunately, his seemingly annoying personality got in the way of his beauty. Not that she's had a conversation long enough with him to truly know him, but the year she's had working at the coffee shop gave her enough of an insight into his person to already have a certain dislike toward him.

"Paul, my favourite customer, what can I get for you today?" She asked him, sarcasm dripping from her tone. No trace of a smile on her face. Paul finally looked up from his phone as he reached the counter, with a smirk on his face. Though she watched as his eyes widened at her appearance.

"Bleach blonde?" He asked curiously. Almost confused by her new look. Her hair was dark before, just like her sibling's hair. Now it was pale, almost matching her fair skin that lacked so much colour.

"Let me guess, hot chocolate?" Saskia asked again, avoiding his question. She really didn't want to talk about it. She told people she had just needed a change, that she was bored of her black hair. But her father had mistakenly told her while drunk that he hated looking at her. She had looked too much like her own mother that it was causing her father pain. She suddenly felt selfish, was her looking like this causing her whole family pain? It explained why her older brother always left the room when she was in it, and why her little brother sometimes cried when he watched her do her makeup. Her father's comment hurt, like someone had failed to give her a lobotomy and instead replaced her brain with a radio. She heard static, her blood gushed in her ears. He couldn't look at his own daughter. He hated staring at his child and instead seeing his deceased wife. Every night she'd cook dinner, only for her father to stare into his plate for 10 minutes before getting up, grabbing his keys, and walking to the nearest bar, leaving the food untouched. And for Levi to grab his plate and go straight up to his room. Leaving Sas with her youngest brother, Hugo.

"It's okay, you can go if you want" She'd say.

"No I want to stay with you, Sassy" Her heart would warm at the nickname, but she knew by the way he'd only look at his hands while he ate that staying with her upset him. All because she looked like the woman who birthed them. It wasn't her fault! She'd want to scream but she knew her father would say that she was 'having an episode' and try to put her on more meds. Just like fucking last time. So she went for the next best thing.

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