11. Kiss

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We arrived at the edge of a forest. It was pitch-black. 

In the distance, the sound of hooves could be heard as they progressively grew closer. A man emerged seated on a horse. His face was perfectly chiseled, and though grey was peppered throughout his wavy hair, his arms were toned and his legs were - 

- horse?

I gulped and regarded the centaur. Still shying away from Patroclus, I nevertheless could sense the shock that he must have felt too. 

"You must be Achilles," said the handsome man-horse, eyeing me up and down. I nodded once politely. 

"My name is Chiron, I'll be your mentor," said Chiron, redirecting his eyes towards Patroclus, "and yours too, Patroclus."

Still not getting over the fact that Chiron wasn't human, and intimidated by his figure, I followed him carefully into the camp. Tall, lazy cypress trees encircled the large clearing in which it was set-up: a cave dwelling that I was to share with Patroclus (much to my embarrassment), a central fire-stove area in the centre and a further cave where armoury and supplies were stored. I didn't ask where Chiron would be sleeping - it seemed inappropriate. To the left, a little farther down from the camp, the faint sound of a running river could be heard. 

Chiron left me to rest. I couldn't spot Patroclus inside the cave as I lay my head down. Yet I felt unable to sleep despite the fatigue that clung to my tired muscles. I tossed from one side of the pallet to the other, shutting my eyes and praying that Hypnos would send me into slumber. Much to my disappointment, I felt no more sleepy than when I had started off - and Patroclus' imminent absence unnerved me. I left the cave, bothered and uncomfortable, wondering if the smell of pine in the air outside would somehow clear my mind.

My feet led me to the bank of the river, and I dipped them in tentatively. Lately I had been feeling overwhelmed with the fate my father had presented as mine - the duties of a prince, soldier and saviour seemed to lie heavily on my shoulders. And Patroclus - how my mind felt muddled when he crossed it. His absence was worse enough - but his presence! How the hairs on my arms stood up when he spoke to me! I yearned for him to say my name - the manner in which he pronounced it, rolled off his tongue as he softens his dangerous eyes and grins... His smile made me hateful - hateful that he had not reserved it for my pleasure alone, hateful that it was so daring, so provoking, so twisted it was that I felt hot just at the thought. 

"I hate him" - I tried to tell myself. The water in the river was achingly cold. But is hate a feeling that makes me hide my smile whenever his words are tainted with humour? Is hate a feeling that makes me never want to part from his company? To see him, to hear him, to feel him - these things I long for... no, hatred is not the feeling I feel.

The current grew stronger, and pulled at my unfocused limbs. My hands slipped from the bank I had been resting on, and cold shivers clutched at me as the freezing water drew me in. I always thought I was an adequate swimmer, but the force of the current said otherwise and I was tossed in all directions as the stream carried me downwards. I could hardly breathe, I was emerged in the water, I threw my hands above my head, desperate for oxygen, I tried to hoist myself to the surface. I was running out of air, sharp rocks hissed at my skin as they cut me, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't br-

Strong hands pulled at my arms, tore me from the grasp of the river and lay me down on wet grass. I spluttered and coughed. 

"Achilles you idiot." muttered a voice frantically, hoisting me back up. "Gods, you're scratched up - can you breathe? You okay? Achilles?" 

I blinked and saw a pair of familiar concerned eyes staring furiously into my own. 


"Are you kidding me right now Achilles?! You could have died back there! You seriously need to be more careful - I was literally scared to death... you look good with your hair wet though...not that that matters...are you seriously smiling right now!?"

He grew silent. My hair was dripping wet and both our chests were heaving. Patroclus' eyes softened as he looked down at my lips. I said nothing more as he leant down to kiss me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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