Ch 13

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Chapter 13 

Song Zhi felt something was wrong after agreeing to Chen Yan.

It is true that a teenager's coming-of-age party is an excellent opportunity to get to know and break into the circle, but the risk of being exposed has also soared.

Not to mention, what kind of birthday gift should she give to suit the friendship between Zhou Yichan and Chen Yan? When other faces in Zhou Yichan's social circle appear, what should she do?

Do you want to give up such a good opportunity? Song Zhi couldn't do it.

Now that she has promised, she will not go back on her word, let alone back down.

After thinking for a while, Song Zhi finally opened the dialog with Zhou Yichan.

When she was on the track in the afternoon, Zhou Yichan happened to have a letter:


The girl first sent her a series of photos, including a desert oasis, a campfire, and a smoky sandstorm.

Immediately afterwards, she confided in her heart:

[Song Zhi! I saw a lot of magnificent scenery, and the northwest was exactly what I dreamed of, and I was completely lost! ]

[I am full of inspiration here, and I have many new ideas for paintings! ]

[And the aunt who was traveling with me is actually engaged in creation like me, and the purpose of her trip is also to collect materials... She is crazy and free and easy, and many ideas coincide with mine, we really hate each other...]

[I'm so happy, it's the kind of pleasure that the soul is slightly drunk, can you understand? 】

Zhou Yichan seems to really regard herself as a confidant, sharing all the adventures and romances along the way.

The girl's words revealed an unprecedented lightness, and Song Zhi couldn't bear to disturb him when he read it now.

"Yichan, do you have time to chat now?"

The fingertips were hanging on the "send" button, but he still couldn't make up his mind.

As if they had a heart-to-heart connection, there was a "swoosh" in the silence, and Zhou Yichan on the other side was the first to call.

Clicking on it is a picture, to be precise, it should be a painting.

The sand dunes are like the sea, the yellow dust is like smoke, the red sun is about to fall on the vast and lonely skyline, and a silver moon hangs high on the upper right of the red sun.

Zhou Yichan told her:

[Without my father's control, I can finally create all night without any restraint! Song Zhi, this painting will be given to you when I come back! ]

[Because, the sun and the moon reflect side by side, much like us. 】

Song Zhi was pierced by some romantic bullet in his heart, and was deeply shocked for a moment.

The body made a decision before the brain, and her fingertips moved to the delete key, deleting a line of words.

But Zhou Yichan, who was far away in the northwest, seemed to have understood what she was thinking, and immediately said:

【Yesterday I was too patronizing to talk about myself, and I forgot to ask you, I'm so sorry! ]

[Song Zhi, what about you? You haven't contacted me, but I still want to ask, did you enjoy your trip to London? brilliant? How do you like it? 】

Obviously, it should be logical to raise the problem about the party, let Zhou Yichan help her, maybe everything will be solved easily.

However, Song Zhi couldn't open his mouth.

She could imagine Zhou Yichan's appearance when she learned that she was going to Chen Yan's birthday party—stiffness, silence, uncontrollable panic, all the joy came to an abrupt end.

Zhou Yichan must resist and suffer, but Song Zhi has no doubt that she will still wholeheartedly help herself find a way to solve the problem.

However, after eighteen years, the girl finally managed to steal a good time, do I really want to break it up?

Song Zhi couldn't bear it.

She remembered that the original intention of their exchange of identities was to give Zhou Yichan a relaxing time. So, is my plan for a rainy day at this moment a kind of putting the cart before the horse?

So far, Song Zhi already has the answer.

Tapping the keyboard with her fingertips quickly, as if she was afraid of regretting if she was a second late, she replied to Zhou Yichan:

【Relax. I have as much fun as you do! ]

In the end, he is still soft-hearted.

Forget it, Song Zhi thought, he was also investigating the truth of the "murder incident" behind Zhou Yichan's back, so he took the initiative to approach Chen Yan.

Asking Zhou Yichan for help at this time is actually easy to startle the snake.

For those problems, she had to find another way.

Song Zhi turned to start with Zhou Yan.

During the day, it was only through his arrangement that she could meet Chen Yan. Coupled with the young man's respectful attitude towards him, Song Zhi thought that Chen Yan's coming-of-age party would definitely invite Zhou Yan.

But she didn't expect that the man would take the initiative to discuss this matter with her before she spoke.

It was in the middle of the night after returning to downtown London the next day, Song Zhi almost fell asleep in a daze, but Zhou Yan suddenly called and asked her to sit in the bar on the top floor.

Opportunity to inquire!

She woke up suddenly, and agreed to go without thinking.

Song Zhi took a skirt and put it on, didn't even bother to comb his hair, so he hurried to the appointment.

The bar on the top floor is not big, and it is easy to find someone, but Zhou Yan still came to the door and waited for her.

When he saw his daughter, he seemed a little surprised: "It's nothing urgent, don't run so fast next time."

"Huh?" Song Zhi pretended to be stupid. Although she was a little impatient, but in order not to be too anxious to show her flaws, she deliberately delayed going upstairs after going out to regain her senses.

Zhou Yan pointed to her head and said, "Hair is messed up."

Song Zhi used the glass door of the bar as a mirror, and casually stretched out his hand to stroke her hair while explaining, "Oh, this one. I didn't run away, I just dozed off Sleeping in a mess."

The man paused for a moment, then suddenly fixed his eyes on her, and stopped talking.

Song Zhi felt weird and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, Dad?"

Zhou Yan smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing, I just suddenly feel that you have grown up. Now not only are you willing to learn about new fields, but you have also corrected your bad habit of staying up late." He said seriously as if joking, "This trip to London is worth the money. If necessary, we can extend it indefinitely.

" After forgetting the detail of "work and rest", a big flaw was revealed at this moment!

She was apprehensive in her heart, but her expression remained calm.

For a moment, Song Zhi's quick wit wanted to excuse that it was because of jet lag. But after thinking about it again, his schedule has always been regular, and they will have to get along for a long time after that, so the changes are even more suspicious.

In the end, she simply acquiesced to Zhou Yan's statement: "Maybe." Then she immediately changed the subject, "Let's stop standing at the door and sit first."

Zhou Yan nodded to lead the way.

It should be because it was too late to drink and hurt his health. After sitting down, he ordered a glass of lemonade for Song Zhi with an uncompromising attitude.

Song Zhi didn't mind, and asked straight to the point: "Dad asked me to come out so late, do you have something to talk about


" "

Zhou Yan: "First thing, do you want to go to Chen Yan's birthday dinner in two days?"

Song Zhi was startled.

Although she had planned to inquire about this matter from Zhou Yan, she felt a little strange to hear him take the initiative to mention it in such a serious way.

Song Zhi inexplicably remembered that yesterday at the competition, when she asked to see Chen Yan, Zhou Yan seemed hesitant to speak.

It seems that Zhou Yichan and Chen Yan are indeed related, and even her father has noticed it.

After pondering for a while, Song Zhi asked back, "Does Dad want me to go?"

"You don't have to think about it." Just as Zhou Yan told her when she first arrived at Zhou's house that day, "The reason why I told you this in person is to know Your most sincere thoughts."

He said: "Xiao Chan, don't be a little reluctant."

Song Zhi's probing words were instantly stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say anything. This person always seems to be able to directly hit the softest part of her heart, catching her by surprise.

After a long time, she said again: "Will there be many old friends?" Zhou Yanjing waited for a while, and told the truth: "Your Uncle Chen and the others will be here." After a pause, he added, " There

should be Xie Yumeng."

Yu Meng Song Zhi had just met, and she was one of the targets she included, so she was not afraid of worry. As for "Uncle Chen and the others", based on contextual analysis, she should be Chen Yan's parents or something.

Zhou Yan didn't mention any more people, so most likely Zhou Yichan's old acquaintances at the party were these.

Risky, but worth the risk.

After weighing the balance, Song Zhi finally answered Zhou Yan solemnly: "I'll go!"

Zhou Yan reminded her again: "Xiao Chan, it's completely okay if you don't want to go."

Song Zhi was more determined: "I don't force it, I want to go."

Zhou Yan looked at her with deep eyes, but he quickly moved away, lowered his eyes and took a sip of whiskey.

He raised his eyes again, but still couldn't hide the surprise, he said, "I thought you would firmly refuse." He

mentioned his daughter's change again, but Song Zhi no longer panicked.

Like being coquettish with a real father, she blinked and responded, "Dad just said, I have grown up."

Zhou Yan finally stopped being serious and smiled at her daughter knowingly.

"Okay. The second thing is to pick out gifts with me tomorrow." As he spoke, he raised his wine glass, "Congratulations to my daughter for growing up."

Song Zhi followed him with a smile and raised his glasses to each other: "Okay, I respect you !"

With a crisp sound, the girl drank the whole glass of lemonade in one gulp, she thought, so this is what it's like to drink with her father.

Song Zhi was so indulging in the warmth he couldn't ask for that he didn't think much about Zhou Yan's last words.

She thought that Zhou Yan was going to take her to pick out a birthday present for Chen Yan. After all, it was a very formal birthday dinner with all the parents present, so it was normal for him to guide her in purchasing gifts.

As a result, when Song Zhi was taken to the destination, she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The place Zhou Yan led her to can be seen at a glance - the whole street is like an endless British row castle, even in the daytime, the neon light in the floor-to-ceiling glass can hardly be concealed; half of the streets here Song Zhi had never heard of the brand, while the other half she had only heard of in glamorous film and television and literary works; when she looked up, every store was glittering with gold, and after a long time, it seemed that even the sky had become a brilliant yellow .

And they walked into the most resplendent one, which was a fashion store of a top blue blood brand, and Song Zhizeng only saw celebrities wear it.

Even if she had already experienced Zhou Yan's "money ability" in the F1 field, she couldn't help feeling a little excited from the nervousness at this moment. Those competing dresses reminded her of a classic movie about fashion, "The Devil Wears Prada".

She believes that there is no girl who has not dreamed about the "Prada Queen" in adolescence. But at this moment, she is like the heroine Andy who just opened the fashion door, nervous but enthusiastic.

Fortunately, Song Zhi kept in mind that today's purpose was to choose a gift for Chen Yan.

Although it is all women's clothing, as far as she knows, the suits of this brand are very popular among male stars. Song Zhi thought that it was indeed a very good meaning for Zhou Yan to instruct her to choose a suit for Chen Yan—a suit as an adult gift.

The task was added, which somewhat calmed her down.

After calming down, Song Zhi also carefully discovered that the windows were full of beautiful things in eyes but they were all women's clothing.

But she was worried that there was something else going on, so she still walked in quietly, until the starry sky dress that once swept the Internet came into her eyes, and she didn't realize she stopped.

The year when this fairy starry sky dress became popular, Song Zhi was still in junior high school, and hadn't been chilled by her mother yet.

At that time, all the female students in the class were discussing this haute couture skirt, saying that besides Tsinghua University and Peking University, their dream would be to add a haute couture fairy skirt! That day Song Yumo happened to be thinking about the story of the little heroine visiting a luxury store, Song Zhi recommended this starry sky dress for her, and her mother actually adopted it.

If I remember correctly, this is the last bit of happy memory about my mother.

Now that I meet him unexpectedly and at close range, it is inevitable that I will feel emotionally affected by the scene.

The dreamy feeling of stepping here broke instantly, and Song Zhi completely returned to reality, and gradually realized that something was not quite right.

However, the accompanying SA didn't know the origin of it, thinking that the daughter had taken a fancy to this dress.

She immediately smiled and said enthusiastically: "Miss Zhou, the starry sky skirt is a very classic ready-to-wear. If you are interested, we will postpone the custom-made time for you. Do you want to try the starry sky skirt, Miss Zhou?" Customized


In such a high-end store, Song Zhi can only think of the words "private customization" and "advanced customization". And on the night when she was online with Zhou Yichan to do strategy, the other party said that if her father wanted to take her shopping, he would definitely go straight to haute couture.

It seems... Zhou Yan seems to be making clothes for her today?

"Please wait a moment."

After Song Zhi responded to SA, he looked sideways at Zhou Yan: "Father, I thought you were going to choose a gift for Chen Yan today." "

Of course not, I have already given Chen Yan's gift "Zhou Yan said as a matter of course, "Today is to congratulate you on growing up, and to make up for the adult gift owed to you."

He seemed a little surprised, and asked: "I told you on your birthday, and I will make up for you when the college entrance examination is over. , Xiao Chan, have you forgotten?"

Song Zhi remembered that Zhou Yichan's birthday is the Dragon Boat Festival every year, and this year's Dragon Boat Festival is indeed very close to the college entrance examination.

She shook her head pretending to be calm: "No, I thought you gave me a bad check. I was just talking about Chen Yan last night, so I thought I was going to buy it for him." "Miss Zhou, you misunderstood." Going


today They were just speaking English the whole time, so Song Zhi and Zhou Yan just forgot to switch when they were talking, and just spoke English casually, and the SA who received them also listened to them the whole time.

At this moment, SA explained to Zhou Yan: "Six months ago, Mr. Zhou made an appointment for you as our chief tailor." In a

simple sentence, tell the girl that she is taken seriously by her father.

Song Zhi stared at the man, and softly said, "Thank you."

Zhou Yan paused, moved his eyes unnaturally, and hummed.

He felt inexplicably at odds, and this feeling had been there since he went out in the morning, but he didn't think much about it, he just thought it was because the father and daughter hadn't been so close for a long time.

Sensing the awkward atmosphere between father and daughter, SA said at the right time: "So, Ms. Zhou, do you want to try the starry sky skirt?"

Song Zhi shook his head: "Thank you, but no, let's go directly to the high definition."

After all, this is her The memories had nothing to do with Zhou Yichan, she didn't want others to pay for it.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yan laughed: "It is said that it has grown up, but it has not changed. The first time I came to this store, SA praised this skirt like that, and you are the same as now, unmoved.

" I didn't know these things at all, so I could only go along with it and smiled, thankful and regretful in my heart.

She regretted that she kept all the secrets, that she didn't ask Zhou Yichan more about couture. Now it's time to muddle through, what if we talk more and more later, and finally reveal our secrets?

But Song Zhiwei really thought too much. From the moment she entered the haute couture room, she was immediately surrounded by tailors and more SAs.

The tailor who came from Paris greeted her friendly, and SA offered her some black tea. It is the kind of perfect English afternoon tea that Internet celebrities will check in and post tips. The three-tiered dessert looks like it has been carved, and the black tea is mellow and fragrant. She was eating snacks, flipping through the product catalog, and she didn't have to worry about the code of any item she saw. As long as she mentioned it, the accompanying SA would write it down for her.

Before finishing half of the picture album, Song Zhi's hurtful mood disappeared, and was shrouded in a sense of unreality.

A few photo albums were flipped through, and she turned her head to look at the SA beside her: "I have seen too much, it seems that it is even more difficult to make a choice." "Don't worry."

SA smiled at her, but said, "The beautiful princess , then we will start the second round of screening now."

After speaking, the man got up and went to make arrangements.

After a while, three models who were about the same size as Song Zhi came in from the door one after another. The dresses on them were very familiar, and they were exactly the ones she mentioned in the album just now.

It turns out that this is the so-called "second round of screening" by SA to let models with similar figures wear the clothes she intends to wear on the catwalk.

The small fashion show was staged right in front of Song Zhi's eyes. It was more exaggerated than any film and television drama that Song Zhi had ever seen. She really opened her eyes today!

However, this is not all!

The nearly one-hour mini-show was over, and combined with Song Zhi's preferences and SA's suggestion, there were still ten sets of dresses to choose from.

Song Zhicai really started her custom fitting——

The two SAs personally matched her clothes, and the chief tailor took a soft ruler to measure her every time she changed. Needless to say, the basics of shoulder width and sleeve length need not be mentioned, but the tailor was so careful that the ratio of the fringe to her whole body had to be coordinated and rectified... Even if it was an element that Song Zhi liked but didn't have, the tailor would conceive and draw design sketches on the spot and ask her how about.

Between the constant dressing-up and negotiations, Song Zhi felt that he had become the heroine of a film and television drama for more than a moment, a big transformation before undergoing a stunning transformation. Or, she is actually a princess of the royal family, as long as it is what she wants, she can get it today!

Although Song Zhi has had "princess dreams", they are all normal fantasies of adolescent girls. She believes that even if the dream comes true, she will never be crazy about it, at most it will be the excitement of happiness.

But she was wrong.

When the fantasies came true and everything happened, she was not immune to falling into it.

Song Zhi finally sank into the dream with all his heart.

Without the slightest scruples, she puts forward all the unconstrained ideas, and she is intoxicated in the smoothness of this dream come true.

She completely forgot about the troubles with Zhou Yan, she even forgot that this person was still by her side.

The girl was mesmerized, but Zhou Yan, who was seated beside her, frowned slightly and looked at her suspiciously and probingly.

It's not that the man finally found out that Song Zhi didn't know much about high-end fashion, but that he suddenly found the reason why he felt so inconsistent in the constant listening - his daughter didn't like the American accent since she was a child, and felt that the British accent was more

elegant It sounds beautiful, so she worked tirelessly and specially hired an English accent coach to have a standard London accent.

But today, or since she arrived in London this time, she has been speaking in American accents all the way.

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