Chapter 23: Re-encounter

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Fontaine Futuristics, Rapture: 12:10 am

Ryan was exhausted. He'd spent the rest of the evening, and even a little bit of the next day, trying to master his new found abilities. He'd learned how to aim both Incinerate and Electro-bolt fairly well. He'd even discovered that the more he used them the more powerful they got. Seeing as how he had spent the most time trying to master aiming Electro-bolt, as Incinerate was a lot easier to aim, his fingertips now glowed blue when he 'equipped' that ability.

Seeing as how he was too tired to sleep he moved all the furniture back and put on his suit. Five minutes later he had all his armour on, lowering the helmet on he twisted sideways sharply, locking it in place. Walking around Ryan remembered hearing that the Fontaine Futuristics building was enormous when he was little by some Splicers passing by his hidey-hole.

They weren't exaggerating...

Taking his time he checked room after room of the building. Going higher and higher as he went. After some time Ryan was almost at the top of when he stopped. His vision began to blur, "Oh not again..." He whined a bit as he leaned against a wall. Sliding down to the floor in a sitting position a second later as his legs refused to support him.

Ryan's vision:

"Come on Ryan, stay close" A voice said, looking up Ryan saw a man was holding his hand. This man had hair as blond as his own with green eyes, and he wore a business suit. The man guided them to an office which had the word 'Daniel' written on it. The room looked like any other office, it had a chair, a desk, files, ect, "Can you keep a secret?" Asked the man named Daniel.

"Sure! what is it dad?" Ryan heard himself say, Daniel looked all around in an overly suspicious manner and then moved the huge picture to the size revealing a safe.

"Nobody knows about this safe." he said as he opened it with the code, four, zero, three, one, five. As the safe swung open he saw inside of it, revealing it contained three of the large square shaped syringes used for injecting plasmids into someone's body, but instead of the neon red that plasmids were, these were bright pink.

"What is that?" asked Ryan,

"This... is a medical breakthrough, this liquid is Adam in its purest form. It can heal and fix any health problem one person has in an instant." Daniel declared with pride



Looking at them Ryan asked "How come you keep it in here? Why don't you share it with the world?"

Taking a deep breath Daniel answered "That is because I am saving these for an important occasion. They are also very difficult to make and would be impossible to mass produce." There was a pause then Daniel closed the safe, hiding the syringes and told him. "Remember this is our little secret. But if you ever need them, they are yours to do with as you will."

Ryan nodded and gave his father a hug as thanks.

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