Chapter Fifty-Five

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Several days had passed since I was discharged from the infirmary, and the Northern Court had been a storm of preparations ever since. Thetas -- the soldiers -- now monitored every hall I walked through, and the palace grounds were nothing but a maze of war tents and training ranges. Not a minute went by when I didn't hear a shout from outside my window, and I was starting to get tired of it. Not only because the incessant yelling kept me up until the early hours of morning, but because I knew I should be out there training with them. 

I paused on the line of the book I was reading. Curled up on the cozy bed of my palace-assigned bedroom, I felt like a right loafer. But the doctors had told me to wait at least a week until I used my powers again. According to them, I was still too weak to risk any more bodily injury. Faelen, ever-overbearing, instantly jumped on the bandwagon and acted as my stand-in maid ever since. Every hour I'd get a knock at my door, asking if I wanted food, water, or painkillers. Every time, I'd turned him away -- telling him the only thing I wanted was for him to train me. He, of course, only rejected my request.

So, when another knock came at my door, I was fully prepared to yell at them from behind my book. My ire died, however, when the door swung open a moment later, revealing a bubbly Raina. Her golden curls bobbed against her shoulders as she rushed towards me, and I found myself placing my book down, sitting forward.

Her smile was wide, and I couldn't help but smile back. Raina had been awfully jubilant ever since she'd made up with Azure, and part of me was glad. Though she'd gravely wronged Azure, it wasn't a feud that could have gone on forever -- not when the upcoming war could mean a potential loss of life.

The room went cold for a moment.

"Guess what!" Raina called, her demeanour warming the temperature back to normal. 

"What? You here to tell me about another weapon you discovered?" I folded my arms.

Raina snorted. "No! I came here to say the Alpha and Luna are hosting a dinner ball tonight. It's going to be very extravagant, and they want you to come!"

I raised a brow. "Don't you think times are a bit dire to be hosting a ball?"

Raina shrugged. "Apparently, morale is running low among the barracks. The people need a reprieve, or so the Luna said. They're hoping one night of relief will be enough to recharge both the morale and the war efforts. And I believe her, y'know -- half of those Thetas were Omegas not just one week ago. They've basically gone from a life of normal work to hard-core military training, fourteen hours a day. They're burning out. I'm burning out. Azure and I have been training non-stop with those Thetas, and sometimes my body hurts so bad in the mornings that I'm not sure I can walk. I'm thankful that I now know the sword and the spear, but what good is that if I'm always out of energy?"

I nod at that, unable to help the twist of guilt in my stomach. Clearing my throat, I nod at her. "Alright, I'll come. I'm guessing you want to pick my dress as well?"

"Yes!" Raina virtually sang, twirling towards my walk-in-wardrobe. "Come, Kyra! Let's get you dolled up. We need to impress that man of yours," she added with a not-so-subtle wink my way. I snorted, sliding off my bed and strolling after her, shaking my head. 

"He's not my man," I insisted, and yet I couldn't help but wonder what colour dress he'd like to see on me. Maybe green... or purple.

Raina said nothing. She just shot me a knowing look before heading into my walk-in wardrobe.


I had to admit, Raina really had an eye for fashion.

The dress complimented my skin perfectly. The indigo corset matched the purple tones that bled out into the white skirts that flared out at my hips. She'd given me amethyst earring to match, the crystals weighing heavy on my earlobes. She'd chosen a little emerald number for herself -- likely to match her eyes -- and had paired it with peridot earrings and a golden necklace. Azure, it seemed, had picked up on the eye-colour trend and had decided on a sapphire-blue slip dress with golden jewellery to match her warm-toned skin. 

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