Chapter 49:His Regrets

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A ridiculous laugh echoed from the other line, followed by Eva's shrieking voice.

"Are you kidding me, Bryan? Ever since that girl is a thorn in our relationship!"

"For god's sake, Eva! Why are you bringing up the past now? That was ages ago!"

"She is the reason why we separated!"

"What are you implying now? You do know how Hailey needed me that time around!" F...CK! Bryan is hardly keeping his cool arguing with Eva.

However, Eva would take this opportunity to let out the weight she is carrying all these years. She would not let Bryan abandon her again.

"Can't you see, Bryan? Small things, she will call on you. Over minor things, she will call on you! And you act like the Superman brother, who will grant all her capriciousness!"

Bryan cannot control his annoyance anymore. "Dammit, Eva! You are throwing an issue during the time Hailey's grandmother died! She only called me to inform me what happened! Grandma Meredith is a wonderful woman. She always looked after me when my parents had business trips throughout Australia! Even if Hailey didn't phone me that night, I would still rush home to attend her funeral once I heard the news! Why are you so heartless?"

"You knew it's not true, Eva! But no matter what, you don't understand. You never will!"

"Of course, I would never accept how unfair you are to me! How many times did I phone you for a date? But it was so hard for you to visit me in New York when you are just living in a neighboring state! However, it takes only one call from her who lives in Australia! Immediately you booked a flight to comfort her, and you leave me just like that!"

"I did not leave you, Eva. You broke up with me... On the phone."

"And what do you expect me to feel? Have you forgotten what happened that night? We are in the middle of lovemaking! But when your phone rang and played her favorite band as you assigned the song in her calls! You stop halfway to answer your phone and just like that! Like a snap of a finger you left!"

"For god's sake, Eva! I just told you what I feel about that time?! Why are you doing this to us?"

"Whatever! I don't care! My point is, you can take a flight the next day! But the moment you heard her whine. You wanted to jump off the window like if only you could fly? You already did to be with her too soon! And did you consider what I feel? Wow! My boyfriend is comforting another girl! Not only that, you are using your sweetest tone that you never use to me!"

"That's it, Eva. Your jealousy is overboard. That was years ago!"

"Oh, yeah? And how will you explain to me that you almost married her?"

Bryan tightens his jaw. His head was now pounding extremely, and he wanted to get some rest. Think and enjoy a few minutes of peace.

After a moment of silence, Bryan hurls a furious sigh before he speaks. "Do we have to discuss it over and over again? Because I am so fed up with this crap, Eva." Bryan paused for a moment, heaving a long breath once again. He thinks it is not very sensible to continue explaining things to Eva. All she did is remind him of his regrets in life. And that is not making the right choice.

"You know what, Eva? Please don't force me to regret that I got back to you. I'm tired. I need to visit the workers in the hospital first thing in the morning. Bye, Eva."

"Bryan! Don't..."

Bryan hangs up on her. Eva was in disbelief that Bryan continued treating her coldly. She already wins him back. She successfully prevented Bryan from marrying that girl by destroying their relationship.

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