Chapter 5

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It's already 8 PM in the evening, and Kyros has already out.

I'm currently with Manang, and we're opening the gifts that Aunties, Uncles, Craise and Jiro gave us.

There are a lot of them, and some are expensive necklaces.

Manang is talking to me while we're opening the gifts, and I'm just listening to her.

I miss Mom and Dad.

Until now, I still feel hurt.

It's difficult to accept everything.

I can't believe that they're gone, it doesn't leave my mind.

My brain can't absorbed how and why they died.

Sometimes, I don't know what to do anymore.

Now, I really want to be angry.

Gusto kong magwala because I'm extremely tired of pretending to be okay and acting like I'm not hurting.

I'm so exhausted.

I suddenly burst into tears, and Manang noticed me.

She immediately let go of the gift she was holding.

"Ma'am, are you okay? Are you thinking about something? Is something hurting you? Should I call Ma'am Joy? What do you want?"
Manang asked, as I cried and tightly gripped my bed because I was trembling with anger.

My mind can't find peace because I don't know if my parents died or if they were KILLED.

Right now, I really want to know everything.

I want to know what happened and how it happened.

"Pakikuha nga 'yung susi ko, Manang." I said to Manang, wiping away my tears.

"Hurry, please." I added.

"Just a moment, Ma'am," she replied and left my room to get the key.

It's exhausting when my mind can't find peace.

I wiped away my tears and fixed my clothes.

I went out of my room to get the key from Manang.

"Ma'am, where are you going? Didn't they say to call Ma'am Joy Quint if you need anythi-?" she reminded me again, but I interrupted her.

"Manang, please be quiet for now, just this once, please?" I told her, and she fell silent as she handed me the key.

I'm sorry, Manang, I'm really exhausted.

Ilang taon na akong nagmumukmok, feeling nothing but sadness.

I've been struggling for months.

For months, I've been bottling everything up.

"P-please take care, Ma'am. I'm here if you need any help." Manang said as I was getting into my car.

"You take care here." I told her emotionlessly.

As I drove, I couldn't help but cry and scream repeatedly.

It's only now that I'm able to do this.

When I arrived at the mansion, it was really quiet.

I was about to open the door when suddenly someone shouted from behind me.

"Ma'am, where are you going?" he asked me.

It was Kyros.

I wiped away the tears streaming from my eyes.

"N-nothing. Why are you here?" I asked him.

"Ma'am, I followed you. I was buying something at the 7/11 when you passed by. I was wondering why you're going somewhere this late at night." Kyros explained as he approached me.

"Ma'am, are you okay? I told you to call me if you need anything, no matter where you are, I will come to you. I can also come with you wherever you want to go, I'm always here. Your eyes are swollen, you seem like katatapos mo lang umiyak." he said, holding both my shoulders with his hands as we faced each other.

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