Chapter 13

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Three years later...

It was a morning like any other in King's Landing. Bright and sunny, warm yet breezy.

But the scowl on Aemond's face was dark and gloomy resembling the usual weather of Storms End. His singular eye narrowed, gazed deeply focused on the garden below, watching his siblings supposedly spending time together.

Two betrothed pairs— one stupidly smitten with one another, and the other where two individuals who cannot bear to be in the presence of the other; all four are huddled together. Where each pair must act as the other pair's chaperone. An apparently intellectual arrangement made by their father, the King.

Some foolish jest it was. Aemond thought bitterly, tapping his fingers on the banister.

If someone were to ask for Aemond's opinion he would tell them it was the most nonsensical and ridiculous arrangement he had ever seen. No one actually acted as the others chaperone. Helaena took this opportunity to find newer insects to add to her collection. Aegon would be past out, drunk. If not past out then he would be slurring insults at Helaena. And Daeron-Aemma would sneak away.

Therefore, without having been told, Aemond took upon the task of being a chaperone for his siblings. Even though from far, he always kept a watchful eye on them. It made his task easier that Aegon and Helaena didn't require being chaperoned, as they never really interacted. So this way he could fully focus on Daeron and Aemma. And the latter needed to be constantly watched. Because with age Aemma has been becoming quite bold. Always curious, mind venturing into places where a girl of her age should not be exploring. No wonder those uptight Septas were always furious at her these days and constantly complaining to their mother.

Suddenly in mid conversation with Daeron, Aemma looked up and their gaze locked.

His singular eye and stern face was faced with her big, cat-like, bold, expressive eyes.

Although her expression was anything but warm, still he felt something stir within his chest. Aemond clenched his jaws. He could not tell if what he felt in his chest was something good or something bad. It was a crippling feeling for sure. A burn so intense he believed and feared it could burn him whole.

In the past three years, no one has changed as much as Aemma did. She grows little by little every day. Now at the tender age of ten, Aemma still has couple more years to grow out of her childhood. However, since her betrothal, the youngest Targaryen princess has began to grace herself as a woman.

Barely of age, yet hauntingly beautiful.

He is never able to choose as to what his favourite part of his little sister is.

Could it that small defined shapely face, or perhaps those big bright eyes, or could it be the swan like long neck (something she inherited from their mother). Maybe it is her straight sleek hair which almost reaches her hips by now. Overall Aemma reminds him of a cat— small, mischievous and beautiful.

Aemond was pulled out of his reverie noting what a cold glare his little sister was flashing him. Even then his harsh resolve began to fade at the softness that covered her features. The one-eyed Prince wasn't greedy, he was satisfied with the little he got. Just as long as it was from Aemma.

However, soon as she returned to Daeron and smiled, the harshness on Aemond's face began making its return. And it returned tenfold. Reason being: Daeron not simply received her smile, he got much more.

Much more than he asked for.

Much more than he deserved.

She cupped his face and wiped away the crumbs that gathered at the corner of his lips from the bread he had just eaten before giving him a teasing little kiss closer to his lips. And Daeron blushed, like a untouched maiden.

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