Chapter six

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Traitor ~ Olivia Rodrigo

"I guess you didn't cheat but you're still a traitor"

Back to Nova POV: Narrative

Saturday afternoon

It's currently 4 pm and the party starts at 7:30. So I should probably start getting ready around 5 ish. Right now I'm just mentally preparing myself to see Paige.No it's not the first time seeing her since the break up but it kinda is. Enough about her, it's my first college party Truth be told I think I've only gone to like 5 parties my whole high school years thanks to Alex. It's not that I don't enjoy them it just gets boring after a certain time especially when both of your best friends are outgoing people and you are not. But now I'm in college I want everything to be different no one knows me so fuck it.

3 hours later...

The three of us are getting ready in my room because they love my room and it has the best lighting. "GOD I WISH THAT YOU HAD THOUGHT THIS THROUGH BEFORE I WENT AND FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU" I sang but more or so yelled it. Matt looked at me with pity and grabbed my phone since it was the one on the speaker"Ohh baby we need to change the mood" "Please do I don't want Nova crying her makeup before she's even finished with it" Alex says
"What it's a good song" "yea whatever you say baby but we don't need you in a sad mood right now"

"guys I'm good but the party is almost starting we should hurry it up a bit." I said "Have I taught you nothing the past four years of hs , we have to be at least 30 minutes late. We don't wanna be party starters."

"She's right it's so awkward being the first people there, especially with us not knowing nobody" Matt chimed in

"Please we both know Alex knows a good 40% of the people going" Alex laughed "She's not wrong but anyway Nova what are you gonna wear. You have to look super hot for you know who" Alex always says the better and happier you look the more they'll miss you. If you haven't caught on, I had to look good since Paige is going to be there.

But honestly, I think it's time to move on from her. No more thinking about her or anything like that. It's safe to say our story ended two years ago. " actually Alex I don't care if she's there, it's time I hooked up with somebody else. I'm tired of being held down by her and she not even close to me"

"Ohh I'm loving college nova" Matt smirked  "me too, anyways I'm gonna wear my black spaghetti strap tank top with a skirt Answering the question she asked previously "Okay okay cute, let's hurry I wanna take pictures before we go"

After about 45 minutes, we were finally all ready to leave. Currently, we are taking pictures to post on Instagram. "OK, guys, are we all set to go?" "You tell me we've been here taking pictures of you for 20 minutes" Matt said rolling his eyes "you're just mad that Nova takes better pictures."

"Whatever let's just go get drunk" he said getting in the car,my car to be exact. I'm not the biggest drinker in the group, which automatically makes me the driver when it comes to parties. " Alcoholic bitch" Alex rolled her eyes getting in the backseat


Paige pov:

"Oh my God, where is she? The party started an hour ago, and if I know Alex, they should be here by now." I said to Azzi and Nika "Ok, dude, you need to calm down seriously." Nika said back to me "How can I haven't seen her in so long, I just wanna see my girl already" "Well good news you don't have to wait any longer" Azzi turned me around towards the door. It took me a second but then I saw her

She looked so beautiful with her long hair that was now blonde, I kinda laughed to myself knowing she'll probably dye in back pink in a week tops. Her big lips that I miss kissing so much. Those eyes that make any dog look like nothing. She's so perfect

"How is she hotter in person" Nika said ruining my track of thought and causing me to hit her "Twin I love you but shut up that's all mine right there," I said looking back at her "I didn't know Nova was into boys" I hear Azzi say "what are you talking about" I turn

WHAT THE FUCK. I turn to see some guy trying to talk to my girl, putting his hand around her hip and whispering something in her ear. Oh hell no

Back to Nova's POV

After about two minutes, Alex left to talk to somebody she knew, me and Matt stayed close to the door, not knowing how to start socializing. Suddenly, this tall blonde-headed boy with the varsity jacket. comes up to me a little too close, might I add.
"Hi beautiful, what your name" he said in my ear so i would be able to hear him and also putting his hand on my hip .

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am super gay," I said back to him in his ear taking his hand off. "Ohh, umm cool I'll see around" he walked away quickly looking embarrassed. Meanwhile, Matt was cracking up next "We haven't even been here for five minutes, and you're already getting hit on. You're going to be a legend"
" ohh shut up" I turned my back and that's when I saw her

She was already looking at me but once we made eye contact she froze. Not gonna lie so did I, everything was going slower. I feel my heart beating and my face heating up. I quickly came back to reality and said "I need some air" Matt already saw who I was looking at, so he understood and asked me if I wanted him to go with me . I nodded my head no, turn around & walked out the door.

My breathing was starting to get heavier and heavier . It felt like the air I once had was being taken away from me " no no no this can be happening to me already" I'm having a panic attack and Alex has my phone so I can't call anyone. And just my luck nobody was outside just a couple making out and a guy passed out on the grass.

And now I'm crying which is not helping whatsoever and my breathing is getting heavy. I feel like I can pass out any moment now.

Suddenly someone puts there hand on my back and starts moving it up and down and I know exactly who it is. "Nova I know I'm the last person you wanna see right now but  please look at me" Paige says and as much as I don't want to I do. It's like no matter how much I try she still has full control of my body. " breathe slowly, there you go now just keep going" she's now hugging me while rubbing my back. "Y you di did this" I said stuttering my words  "I know baby I'm sorry "

After about 5 minutes I finally calmed down and pulled back and took 2 steps back "how did you even know to come out" "because I know the face you make before you get one & also I thought it would take the opportunity to talk to you once I calmed you down" I crossed my arms and looked down "talk about what" she took a step forwards "about the mistake I made by leaving you the way I did and about us"

"Paige let's get one thing clear it wasn't a mistake, you made a plan with your future in basketball which didn't include me and there is no us" I said taking a step forward and now we're close but still had a little space between "please just let me explain"

"There isn't nothing to explain YOU LEFT ME end of story" grate now I'm crying again "I know that's my" I cut her off
"Just let me go back to the party I'm sure Alex is looking for me by now" I walk past her but she lightly grabs my arm "Nova please" I chuckled "you know that's exactly what I said to you but you still walked out" I took my arm back and walked in.

Damn nova is not backing down but can we blame her!!!!!

Get her back.  ~Paige bueckersWhere stories live. Discover now