Chapter 11

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Emily's POV:

Waking up the next day was horrible; my tummy kept hurting, and it felt like my tummy was having war with my body. I groaned loudly as I turned around in bed; the house was really quiet, meaning everyone had already gone out.

"Alright, Emily, you can do this. Just go to the bathroom and see what the problem is," I said to myself as I stood up slowly.

Maybe I should have listened to Doctor Kingston about no sweets.

Groaning loudly again, I walked towards the bathroom slowly before opening the door. Sitting down on the toilet seat, I took off my shorts and panties.

My eyes popped out when I saw blood on my panties, making me freeze.

What was happening to me?

"Omg, I'm dying?" I whispered and asked myself at the same time. I didn't know when tears started rolling down my eyes, as I tried controlling my breathing.

I don't know why I was feeling so emotional, but for some reason, I couldn't control it.

"Emily, it's time to wake up," I heard one of my brothers say from the bathroom door.

"Emily?" The voice called out again.

"I'M IN THE BATHROOM, AND I THINK I'M DYING," I yelled out while crying also.

I heard footsteps rushing towards the door before a knock followed.

Pulling up my pants, I frowned slightly when the blood touched my private part before walking towards the door.

I turned the handle, peeking through the door, my eyes connected to Kelsey's own.

"What do you mean you're dying and why the hell are you crying?" He asked and said confusingly.

I looked at him before looking at the floor, and with that, I opened the door fully.

"I'm bleeding from downstairs," I whispered.

"Tf do you mean downstairs?" He asked again.

Letting out an annoyed breath, I looked at him before saying. "Is anyone else at home?"

"Yeah, Chris and Xender, but what does it have to deal with your bleeding from downstairs?" Kelsey asked again.

I just grabbed his arm before pulling him with me towards the staircase; he said nothing but just followed me.

"Guys, I think our sister is going crazy," Kelsey mumbled when we arrived in the living room.

"What do you mean crazy?" Chris asked as he walked towards me.

"Are you okay, baby? You don't look good, and why are you crying this morning?" He asked softly while hugging me.

"I'm bleeding from downstairs," I said again, then busted out crying.

The boys all looked worried and confused before walking towards me.

"Hey, it's okay, don't cry, just explain more to us," Xender said while he tried to calm me down.

"Well, I woke up this morning, and then my tummy started hurting, so I thought it was the cause of the ice cream we had yesterday, but when I went to the bathroom, I saw blood on my panties. I'm going to die," I said so fast.

"You're not going to die, you idiot, it's just your period," Kelsey said before letting out a sigh then walked away mumbling to himself.

"Period?" I questioned softly before looking at the others.

"Didn't you learn that in school?" Xender asked slowly.

Shaking my head, I looked down at the floor before saying. "I never went to school, Adam didn't let me, he said I should just watch things on TV, and I'll learn," I said softly.

The boys looked like they were about to faint before looking at each other and then at me.

"So Kingston said we should get her some pads and he is bringing some things to reduce her pains, so no need to cry, you little shit, you're not going to die," Kelsey said as he walked into the quiet room.

"Did I miss something?" he asked when he noticed the silence.

"Emily, just go to the bathroom and clean up, OK? Kingston will be here soon," Xender mumbled softly.

With a nod, I walked towards my bedroom, not missing the whispers I heard from the boys.

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Under editing ✨

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