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This was it.

Park Jimin was making a comeback.

He sat on his seat next to his team, his heart beating out of his chest. He watched the other teams get introduced and the crowd cheered. The camera finally turned their way and even before their introduction the crowd had gone crazy. Jimin smiled shyly waving and bowing.

His team's performance was the third so he patiently watched as the other performers performed. The host was silly and would ask them about behind the scenes and things about their mentor. If they were strict or if they were kind if they went on an outing to bond or if they bonded over food. He felt inferior he hadn't got to bond with his team too much and he still was unfamiliar with some of them. The other mentors got almost two weeks to prepare while he got only 5 days.

"Next on stage is team Jimin.."

A loud applause followed the announcement and Jimin's hands started sweating as the lights on the stage went dim.

The performance began with a complicated intro formation and one by one the members appeared in front of the camera. They were energetic and their costumes and make up was on point. The set design added to the performance and the entire performance was a storyline of how ambitious a young man's heart can be..and when it ended the entire audience jumped up and cheered louder than ever. The group huddled together in a group hug and a few seconds later Jimin was pulled to the stage to join the group hug.

Proud he felt so proud that his eyes started to tear up but a big smile never left his lips.

"Wow that was one hell of a performance."

The host came to the stage with a big smile.

"Mentor Jimin ssi how do you feel..?"

"I-I couldn't be happier...I am so proud I am so relieved..."

"Yes you must be really Proud considering you had the least amount of time to prepare. It might seem like a disadvantage but your performance is going down in stay gold's history for sure...Kim seungmin ssi how do you feel?"

The brown haired boy picked up the mic and laughed.

"I am thankful, the performance came out nice...I am really thankful today is my sister's six year death anniversary I hope you are proud Kim Yeeji your little brother is on TV like you always wanted.."

Seungmin's eyes teared up a little as he looked up.

Kim Yeeji

Where had Jimin heard the name before?

His mind wandered as he went back to his seat.

Kim Yeeji
Kim Yeeji
Kim Yeeji

Then it hit him..the victim's name was Kim Yeeji.

Jimin took out his phone and tapped on Taehyung's and his chat and scrolled back all the way to the first few texts he ever sent.

26th of June

As he suspected that was the day he and Taehyung were supposed to meet for their first date but he was stood up. He remembered that day as if it was yesterday. That day he went home crying after waiting for Taehyung for hours. Hoseok was so angry that he wanted to know what was so important that Taehyung had stood his little brother up and after some digging he found out that Taehyung was out with his boyfriend riding amusement park rides all day. Hoseok was adamant on not letting Jimin and Taehyung marry that he had printed out photos of the couple together all day just to show Jimin how bad of a guy Taehyung was.

There was no way Jeon Jungkook had enough time in his hand to commit a murder while still being with Taehyung all day.

Jimin excused himself to his green room. After making sure he locked the door he called the only person he knew would tell him the truth.


"Hyung...I need a favour.."

Namjoon frowned Jimin rarely called him.

"Ya..tell me."

"Please send me the CCTV footage of Jungkook meeting up with the girl..."

"What's this all about Jimin?"

"Please just send it over I need to check something."

It was really weird but nevertheless Namjoon made a few calls and a few minutes later Jimin's phone dinged.

He quickly pulled out his iPad and opened the video.

The camera showed a scene of a club. There were lots of young people dancing and drinking their hearts out, some of them were even making out. On the right hand corner of the screen stood a girl in a pink mini dress sipping from her glass. A tall guy wearing a baby blue coloured hoodie approaches her. It looked like they got into a conversation and the guy tried to grab her waist but she clearly declines and pushes him away. The guy throws himself on to her once again and the girl gets annoyed and walks out of the frame. There was another file, it was from the outside of the club, the girl stood there and the guy shows up so the girl started walking away from the club. The guy clearly follows her out but he takes his phone out and pretends to be busy on his phone while casually following the girl out of frame.

Jimin watched the footage once again..

Jimin wasn't going to lie it looked like Jungkook. If he wasn't crazy over Taehyung and hadn't obsessively studied Jungkook he would have never picked up the odd behaviours. Jungkook never wore anything that had any sort of colour it was always black. Jimin wasn't Jungkook's friend but he watched Jungkook from afar for such a long time that he could recognise him from a mile away. Even if he made a mistake recognising him from up close there was no way he would make such mistakes when seeing him from a distance. Jimin had Jungkook's walk edged into his brain and he could swear on his life that the guy in the footage didn't have Jungkook's walk. The biggest proof was the phone. Jimin zoomed in the moment the guy pulls his phone out to put it against his ears. It wasn't Jungkook's phone... Jungkook had a black Samsung galaxy and there was a Polaroid picture of him and Taehyung displayed on the back cover. The phone caught on CCTV was obviously red in colour and it had no Polaroid picture.

That means just one thing..

The killer is Junghoon... Jungkook's twin brother. Twins have identical DNA.. Jungkook's DNA was found on her body but there's no way to distinguish Jungkook and Junghoon's DNA so how would anyone know?

He killed Kim Yeeji and framed his twin.

Nobody knew anything about Jungkook's family so it wasn't too far fetched to say that nobody knew that Junghoon existed. Even Taehyung ...he was a killer...and Taehyung was going to meet up with him.

The revelation made Jimin stomach churn. He quickly pulled out his phone and dialled Taehyung's number.... unreachable
He dialled again... unreachable

There was a knock on the door..

"Jimin ssi you are needed on stage they are going to announce today's winners.."

What was Jimin going to do now?

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