Family Outing

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Sherlock sets my luggage down in our room. I look back at him with a playful glare, "I told you I could carry those."

"No lady should ever have to carry her lugagge."

"Haven't we already established that I am not a lady?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

He smiles, "You'll always be my lady."

I roll my eyes, turning away so he can't see the smile on my face. Today, I finally decided to officially move in with him. On the agreement that we spend the night at my place every now and then. Sherlock was excited, but he, of course, didn't show it.

John steps into the room, "I can't believe it took you over a month to finally move in."

"It's because she's stubborn. She always has to do the exact opposite of what I say," Sherlock responds.

He gives me a smile, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "But, I always win in the end."

Sherlock Holmes is a very competitive man, I've realized that in the year I've known him. I happen to be competitive as well, so things always seem to be a competition between us.

"I wouldn't get used to it, Mr. Holmes," I add.

John smiles at the two of us, "You two should start getting ready, I'm sure Enola and the boys will be here soon."

Ah, right. How could I forget? Tonight, we are all going to see a play. Which now that I think about it may be a horrible idea. Enola and I don't exactly have a good reputation when it comes to sophisticated things. Especially theaters

I pull a dress out of my drawer. It's fancy enough for the theater, but it's light enough for me to be comfortable. Sherlock grabs his clothes as well and prepares to leave the room.

"Could you help lace my corset before you leave?" I ask.

I turn my back to him and begin undressing. When I look over my shoulder, I see that he's staring at me wide-eyed. I slip my corset on and walk over to him, turning my back towards him. "Don't be so bashful, Sherlock. I'm not entirely naked."

He begins tightening my corset, "I thought you didn't like corsets."

"I don't, but I've learned they work well in knife fights."

He pulls the strings tighter, "You're preparing for a knife fight?"

"I'm always prepared for a knife fight."

He chuckles and ties the strings. "Is that tight enough?"

I adjust the corset and nod, "Yes, thank you."

I slide my dress on and reach around my back to tie it when he takes the strings away. He ties my dress for me and steps back when he's done. "You look beautiful."

"I haven't even done my hair or makeup."

He gives me a charming smile, "You don't need to."

I sit at my vanity and start doing my makeup. "Keep talking to me like that, and I won't even need to wear rouge."

He stands behind me and places a kiss on my cheek, staring at me through the mirror. "I'll leave you to finish getting ready."

"You could get ready in here with me to save you the time of getting ready in the stuffy bath room," I say slowly.

He tilts his head, "Is that just an excuse to see me shirtless?"

"Maybe," I say with a shrug.

He chuckles, and I continue doing my makeup. Enola had given me a new lipstick, saying it would look good on me. But, it is much darker than what I'm used to. I stare at my reflection, analyzing the darker makeup. Normally, I only wear a tiny bit, but tonight, I felt like doing something different.

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