Chapter 22 - Sick

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Chapter 22


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"Where did you get those clothes?"

Barbie kept on asking you questions ever since you got in the car. Who you were with, where you were, why you changed your clothes. She simply wouldn't shut up.

Your head was hurting. It was resonating everytime she'd talk. It hurt so much, you were starting to feel nauseous. You opened the window, breathing some air as you closed your eyes, trying to drown her questions.

When she noticed you wouldn't answer, she stopped talking and instead decided to make a conversation with Ken, who happily replied to all of her questions.

You didn't want to think of anything. You wanted to forget everything. To forget you, to forget them, to forget Allan. Simply, you just wanted some peace. Some quietness.

Feeling the wind onto your face did calm you a little, but it soon came to a stop when the mansion came into sight. Barbie was quick to get you out of the car and started bombarding you with questions again.

"Why aren't you answering me? I thought you sa-"

"Barbie." You turned to her with a tired face, "I'm tired, okay? I don't want to talk about this, so please, stop."

You didn't wait for her to answer, and just made your way to your room. This time, you couldn't help it anymore. You ran to the bathroom and threw up everything that was on your stomach.

Your head was pounding like crazy and you were feeling lightheaded. The world around you was spinning and your vision was getting blurry.

You steadied yourself next to the sink trying to get yourself together before flushing the toilet and walking to your room.

It took you more than three minutes to get to your bed without tripping and stumbling over yourself. You laid down on your stomach, eyes heavy as you watched the world around you spin in circles.

You had no energy to walk or change yourself. You couldn't even keep your eyes open as you laid there like a corpse. Your whole body was burning up like it was on fire.

You had never been sick before. Never.

You were always perfectly healthy. You weren't allergic or sensitive to anything, and you never got sick easily.

What you were feeling right now was something that you had just never experienced.

You had changed. Your body had changed. Everything was fucking changing and you hated it.

The whole world that you had spend so much time carefully crafting up was slowly crumbling down into pieces.

The worst part of it all was that you didn't even know who to blame. You couldn't even pinpoint where it all started going wrong without your whole entire life here being wrong.

It was like watching the sandcastle you'd built near the sea getting hit by a sudden big wave.

It wasn't the wave's fault. It was yours. You shouldn't have built it near the sea in the first place. You should've built it further if you wanted it to last. You should've known a wave would come one day or another. It was inevitable.

"-re you okay?"

You tried opening your eyes at the sound of the voice but failed miserably as it stayed glued shut.

"She's not okay Ken! Call Nurse Barbie!"

Oh. Now you knew who it was.

Of course it would've been them. They were the only one who could possibly be in your room right now, and the only one who could've possibly cared if you fell sick.

If you weren't so weak right now, you would probably scoffed at the situation.

It was so ironic how you kept on pushing and fighting them away when they were the one who were always here to have your back.

It was funny really. It was so laughable how you kept on biting the hand that was feeding you when you were starving.

They were the one who truly cared for you. They were here. Always. And they would never leave. Even after all you did to them they still loved you deeply, and that was all that mattered.

You couldn't help but feel guilty by the amount of times you'd hurt them by pushing them away. They cared for you. They really did. You shouldn't have done that to them.

Your head was pounding even more violently as your thoughts kept rushing like racing cars. It was a throbbing pain that went down to your whole body. It felt like gravity itself was crushing you down on the bed. Your body felt weak and your stomach was turning.

The only thing you could feel was someone moving you around, before everything went silent and dark.

𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 & 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now