chapter 20

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    👼 MY ANGEL 👼

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    👼 MY ANGEL 👼

I ran all the way home. I only stopped when I reached Gwen's place. I opened the door got it, and locked it.

The words those women said kept playing in my head. And also, the groom's,  ‘How many lives do you have Gwen?....
How are you not dead?’

And the women saying Gwen wanted the groom for herself. Scamming him, trying to steal him from the Bride.

And that moment I decided to see if the diary might tell me anything. I took the key from the hidden pocket on the cover and unlocked it.

I took a deep breath and opened it looking at the first page. The words I saw there had me shocked...

What I have to do. My new task. Approach the family that killed my mother in order to seek revenge.

I freeze looking at the words. What did this mean? Mum was killed? One thing about mum that we never talked about was the fact that she was unstable. She did have a tumor, but that is not the only thing that killed her.

She took her own life.

The tumor left her weak. But.. Her death was from suicide. I just prefer to think of it as the tumor killed her because it's less painful than to think she chose to leave us out of her own free will.

Could be why Gwen didn't mention this to me.

This, that I am reading... That my mum's death was murder? How could it be?

Mum was deemed mentally unstable and was taken to the psychiatric center. She couldn't take care of us so we were taken away from her. My thoughts go to the times when mum first started getting her treatment at the hospital just as I read Gwen's memories of those days that she wrote on the second page.

My mum was not admitted yet, just an out patient. Me and Gwen were coming home from school and decided to play for a while....



“Elsa! Gwen!.. Elsa! Gwen! What are you doing outside? Come here!” Jenna Halverson called for her 12 year old daughters in panic.

Hearing their mother call for them, they immediately ran back into the house. They were just playing with a jump rope in the front yard, they weren't very far. They had some girls come and help hold the ends of the rope for them as they all played together. But, their mother didn't seem to want that. Because the moment they got in, they were scolded.

“I told you, as soon as you leave school you come straight home and stay home. No playing with anyone else. That's why I brought you all these toys!” She said as cold sweat formed on her face.

She locked the door immediately so that no one can come in.

“But mommy, they are our friends,” little Gwen tried to protest. They were now no longer allowed to have friends, no one was allowed to visit or come near them.

“Listen to me. There are no friends. No one is your friend. There are no good people and you should never let anyone close to you. Remember what I told you this morning?”

They nodded and said, “Never take the bus, walk from home to school and from school to home. Keep your head down, don't talk to anyone.” The two girls recited it together.

Jenna made them memorize it by having them repeat it many times that morning.

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