Chapter 1

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this is a draft only. There are spelling mistakes and punctuation errors. Feel free to comment, vote and critic. I'd like to know what you think.
I hope you enjoy my story


The Man.

So, the end of the world happened a while ago. It was strange, one minute everything was fine and dandy, and the next, BOOM! People are clutching their loved ones and suffocating in the street. I know it's the only thing I talk about, but what else is there to talk about really? It's been about 2 years now. Really? It's been that long?

Scratching at my front door alarmed me, before I slammed my leather bound book shut and walked out into the living room to accompany my dog, Bleu, an Australian Shepherd, who wanted to go outside. It was a simple thing, a daily routine of ours.

I gripped the door handle and casually pushed it open, taking a few steps before I sat on the rough, wooden steps leading up to the cabin.

The cabin was old, creaky and covered in overgrown life, but it was my father's. A keepsake he treasured dearly. It was quite a small homestead. The living room right at the entrance with an old stoned fireplace to your left as you enter. A hallway to your right that consists of three doors, a bathroom and two bedrooms.

I sat there examining my surroundings. The sound of the trees, the way the tall grass waved in the breeze and the sense of undeniable fear you feel when sitting in the middle of the forest, but that was an everyday concern.

At least I have Bleu.

I watched him. I watched as his eyes sparkled in the midday sun. Bleu had two different eye colours, one blue and one brown, with a coat of similar complexion, which is where he got his name.

Bleu was watching a butterfly and looked towards me. I smiled, but felt a pain in my chest that was overwhelming. Bleu walked over and laid down on the step, resting his head on my knee.

"It's alright boy" I said as I ran my fingers through his thick coat.

We stayed like that for a while, until Bleu started to whine. "What's wrong?" Bleu looked up at me and nuzzled my hand. "Oh, you're hungry? okay, let's get you something to eat" Bleu gets up excitedly as I stand and walk around behind the house with him on my heels.

Behind my house, there's a small pond with clear water. My father had made a home-made water purifier that he used to keep the pond and the indoor water supply clean.

He taught me how to use and fix it if needed, which came in handy over the last few years.

On the bank, there are small containers with rope tied to a stink that I hammered upright into the ground so the containers won't float away, not that they would go far. I have a lot of my storage here, as it keeps the contents cool.

Some meats I put on a drying rack, but those would take forever to dry out so normally, I'll hunt as needed.

I picked up a container and walked it back over to the front of the yard, where I had my forked camp fire. It was made up of five thick sticks and duct tape. The 'hanging' stick was removable, so I can slide the pot handle onto it.

I sat on a log that rested next to the fire and popped open the container. I tipped all of its contents into the pot after it was hanging from the fork. It was a bit of everything from vegetables I had been growing in the garden to the meat I had collected and cooked earlier that day. I still think vegetables are important, even at the end of the world and I believe Bleu needs them too.

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