The First Kiss | Ghost

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The entire team and I had a mission in half an hour, and I was fixing up my hair in a tight bun. That's when Ghost, my boyfriend for the past couple of months, walked in with a little box in his hand. He was in full gear, but just his balaclava on over his face, the plastic mask was hanging off his belt. I could see him through the mirror so I turned and glanced at him. "Hey, hun." I smiled brightly as I slipped in the bobby pins to hold my bun. He eyes let up when they met mine before I looked back at the mirror.
"I need your help." he said, looking down at something in his large hands. No matter how many times I hear his low British accent. It makes a chill run up my spine. Something about the way he talks makes me shiver, sometimes good but sometimes bad when he's angry.
"With what?" I asked, turning and looking back at him. He opened the box to reveal a bottle of black face paint and a makeup brush. I tilted my head slightly to the left as I walked to him. "Why can't you do it yourself?" I asked, taking the box because he extended it out to me. That's when I realized he didn't have black makeup over his eyes.
His eyes shifted from me to the box, and then he slightly shrugged his shoulders, shoving his hands into his pockets. I tilted my head towards him with my eyebrow lifted. "Just help me." he said eagrly, pointing at my desk chair before walking over and sitting down in it.
I stepped over to the desk and chuckled. "All right." I said, sitting on the edge of my desk in front of him and opening the black bottle before dipping the brush into it. "Close." I said, holding up the brush to his face. He sighed and closed his eyes. I leaned in and started gently applying the makeup to his face. I could see his eyeballs move around under his eyelids, and they twitched when I applied to make up to them. I was inches away, and he took advantage of the closeness by resting his fourarms on my knees since both my feet were in the chair outside of his thighs. I could hear his soft and gentle breathing. He opened his eyes for a second to look into mine. I smiled sweetly at him before he closed his eyes, and his head moved down a bit. "Nah ah." I put my finger under his chin to get his head to move up again. His eyes opened, and he stared at me as I applied to make up to the bridge of his nose. I couldn't help but look into his blue eyes. They were like glaciers. I reached down to one of his hands that was resting on my leg and intertwined our fingers to hold his hand as I applied makeup to his face with the other. He held my hand tightly, and his shoulders even relaxed.
In order to make sure I got all of his skin covered, I slightly tugged down on his mask. I guess I tugged too much because he quickly let go of the hand that was in my lap and gently grabbed my wrist, pulling the brush from his face. I gasped unexpectedly but not frightened. "I, uh." I paused, and his eyes shot from the brush to my eyes angrily. "I was just." I swallowed the lump in my throat, and he eyes softened. "Making sure I got all of the exposed skin." I explained, and he slowly let go of my hand. He shifted himself in the seat, scooting back the rest of the way and looked down. "You know, I should be able to see your face again." I muttered and leaned back. His eyebrow lifted, and he looked at me but didn't say anything. "I've only ever seen it once, and that was our first date." I added, my hands fell to my lap. Our first date took place when we had to do an undercover mission. Once we successfully finished the mission and even found out that it was still early. We realized we had a couple hours of time on our hands. So Ghost went as Simon without a mask but a hoodie and sunglasses. We sat together at a picnic table and drank tea. I got to know him in his happy days. Like him being the best man at his brother's wedding and when he found out he had a nephew. I got to hear him laugh and see him smile. I fell in love with him at that table. Because at that table was when he asked me to be his girlfriend and we considered that our first date.
"I know that, love." He responded defensively, but he huffed and rubbed his chin through the mask.
"We've been together for 3 months, Simon." I explained, leaning forward again. It honestly surprised me that I hadn't seen his face again because he was in my barracks all the time. Either watching movies with me on the couch or if I'm just sitting at my computer, typing up a report. He'll sit on my couch and read a book or just play on his phone. "Just one more time. Can I see your face?" I whispered, holding my hands together in front of me and still holding the brush. He kept his eyes down, and he didn't say anything. "I have an idea we can try." I said, putting the brush down and then getting off the desk to walk over to the door.
"Where are you going?" He asked worriedly and scooting forward in the chair.
I switched off the light. That way, there was only a little bit of sunshine gleaming through my window curtains on the opposite end of the room. I found my way back in front of him, sitting down on the edge of the desk. "Trust me, okay?" I said, resting my hands on his chest.
There was a long pause, but I gave him time to think about it. "Okay." his low accent said softly. I moved my hands up to his neck and then hooked my fingers into the bottom of his mask. He grabbed my wrist again to stop me. "Trust me. Simon. It's just us." He hesitatly let go, and I pulled his mask up and over his nose so I could only see the side of his jawline and cheek from the little bit of light that escaped over one of my shoulders. He exhaled quickly before I cupped his cheeks and gently pulled his lips to mine, kissing him softly as we both closed our eyes. He slowly stood up from the chair, causing me to set up, and he kissed me back. One of his arms roamed around my waist as his other hand rested on the desk behind me. He moved his lips against mine, and I smiled from the gentleness of his kiss. I ran my hand down his chest and hooked it onto his shoulder from underneath his arm while cupping the back of his head with my other hand. I titled my head, gaining more access on his lips, and he pushed harder against my lips, causing me to lean back but not lay back. I ran my tongue across his lips before he opened his mouth, giving me permission. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling his body closer to me as our tongues danced together and our breathing was heavy. He kept his arm around my waist as he moved his other hand from the desk to my cheek. He forced his tongue into my mouth and moved his lips against mine perfectly, like two puzzle pieces meant to be together. As he titled his head to kiss harder, I accidentally let out a quiet moan. He stopped only to pull away just a couple of inches, and he stared into my eyes. His piercing blue eyes jabbed through me like bullets. "Sorry." I said quietly, realizing that I ruined the moment.
"Don't apologize." he said, slightly shrugging, then he stepped away, pulling down his mask. "I'll take it as a compliment." His accent sent chills up my spine again. I bit my bottom lip before he grabbed my waist and pulled me off the desk. "Maybe later, we can do that again." He suggested and shrugged while still holding my hips in his hands.
I smile, nodding quickly. "You name the time and place. I'm there." I said, gently cupping his cheek with one of my hands and running my thumb across his mask. His shoulders moved as he chuckled, and then he placed his hand over mine before kissing my palm through his mask and held my hand against his face. My heart was pounding in my ears. He was so gentle with me. Every time we talked, he spoke kindly to make me feel comfortable. He was never rough and never got angry with me. Except for if we were on a mission and I was fucking things up but I understood his frustration because he's my Lieutenant. "We should get out there." I said softly, and his eyes moved up to mine. They were soft, and my chest caved in.
"Yeah." he nodded, pulling my hand away from his face.
I couldn't help but smile because he never showed it in front of the guys, but he was a sucker for soft, physical touch. "Come on." I said, holding his hand. He put the makeup brush and paint back in the box and closed it with the other hand. I led him to the door before opening it and letting go so he could walk out first, and I followed.

Time Skip

The mission was a success, and everybody got to come home. I decided to shower up since it had been a couple of days, and I was starting to feel gross from the sweat underneath my gear.
It wasn't 5 minutes after a shower. That I was drying my hair, and there was a knock on my door. "Hang on." I said loudly, wrapping my hair in a towel and slipping on pants. The knock was a little bit more aggressive. "Hang on!" I said louder before taking the towel off my head and putting on a shirt, walking to the door and opening it. It was Ghost in no gear but a hoodie, cargo pants, and his mask. "Hey." I said, relieved before stepping aside, and he walked in. I was drying my hair with the towel, and he just stood there, staring at me. He had something on his mind and I'm pretty sure I knew what it was. I shut the door slowly, looking at him confused. "Are you okay?" I asked, still drying my hair.
"Yeah. I uh." he shrugged and nodded. "Just wanted to make sure you were okay." he said, trying to find the words.
"You want to make out again? Don't you?" I asked, smiling, and his face got red under his mask. I could tell because he had wiped off the makeup. "The mask has to come off, Reily." I told him, holding up one finger.
Simon nodded. "Thats... fair. I guess." He sighed before grabbing the mask from the top and pulling it directly off his head. My heart exploded when I saw his messy blonde hair. His eyes reflected into mine as he smirked, stepping over to me and kissing me immediately. I dropped the towel to the ground, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, and he it rested his hands on the back of my ribs.
I kissed back and hummed as I tilted my head. His hands slowly guided down my back and to the upper part of my ass. He started to move his hands down but hesitated and pulled them back up. "It's okay." I said, pulling away and looking into his eyes. "You can grab it." I told him. His eyes softened when he covered my ass with his large hands. I kissed him again and cupped his cheeks. He pushed against my lips eagerly, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I chuckled softly, pushing my tongue against his as he tightened his grip on my ass. I hooked my hands on the back of his neck, kissing harder. He bit down on my bottom lip, and my knees almost buckled. I stood up on my toes, which gave him the idea I wanted to be in his arms, causing him to pick me, and so I wrapped my legs around his waist. He stepped over to the couch before gently lowering himself and laying me down on my back, hovering over me but his lips still against mine.

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