The perfect host

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Venom threw a dumpster into a wall in anger as Izuku's words looped in his mind. 'Just because you run away or don't do what everyone else does doesn't make you weaker or wrong. It just makes you, you.' "Stupid! Stupid! Who does he think he is!?" Venom shouted as he heard Izuku's words, but these weren't the words he had been hearing on repeat for the last few minutes, these were new words he hadn't heard come from Izuku's mouth.

'I hope you do come back, Venom... because I don't think I'll be able to live without you either.' "What? Izuku" Venom muttered, confused about what he was hearing. He was confused about how he was hearing this, but he was also confused about why he was hearing this before he left. He could never hear what Izuku thought. He had heard of it, from when he was still a part of the Hive on Klyntar, but he never thought it to be true. A perfect being for a symbiote to live that they could hear each other even if they separated. Was Izuku really the perfect host for Venom?

Izuku also felt something as well.'Do you really want... me back.' Venom asked both himself and Izuku.'Yes.' Izuku thought, and Venom heard it inside his head. The slimy eyes of his body widened hearing this. He leapt from the body of the hist he had controlled, the man was unconscious, and Venom ran as much as his slime body could before he hitched a ride in a cat and then hitched a ride on a business man that went into a Taxi "To Barx- To Kage Park." Venom said, knocking out the business man he inhabitated.

Kage Park, it was the place where Izuku did his first good deed of Saving Miles from getting run over. It was also the place that started Venom's anger and what made him run away from Izuku. The driver drove to Kage Park.

"So, you look like a businessman. But, you wanna go to a park. How come?" The driver asked."I'm going to see an old friend. Kage Park is where it all went wrong in our friendship, " Venom said using the businessman's voice, and the Driver looked back with sympathy. "Well, I hope you two get back to being friends." The driver told Venom, who nodded slowly and said,"Yeah, I do as well. Cause... I don't know what I would do without him." Venom told the Driver, and the Driver grew a smile."Well, you're in luck. Cause Kage Park is right there. You can get to it if you run since I'm gonna be stuck in this traffic." The driver told Venom who looked out the window and saw Kage Park. The driver wouldn't be able to get any closer because of the lines of cars, so Venom had to run to it.

Venom threw the door open and began to run towards the park. "Hey, where's my money!" The driver shouted, and with no time, Venom threw the businessman's wallet at the driver who was caught off guard by the quick hit with the leather wallet. 'Please, please. Izuku, you have to be there! I need you, and you need me!' Venom thought as he ran through the lines of cars and into the park. He ran and ran until his new human body couldn't run anymore.

"Geez, you must be in a rush to see someone. Can I help you with that?" A very familiar voice called out to Venom,"Izuku!" Venom turned around a hugged the boy who hugged the symbiote back. The Symbiote left the body of the businessman and went back into Izuku's body. "You know, We missed you a lot, Venom." Izuku told the black symbiote.'Well, so did I. I just wanted to be better, stronger.' Venom told Izuku as they walked away to exit the park.

"Well, We can do that. We can be better, stronger than anyone, even the idiots that had cast you out. We'll show them that they were wrong to cast you out. We promise." Izuku said.'Thank you, Izuku.' Venom said 'Hey! It wasn't just him, you know!?' Anti-Venom shouted at the back symbiote 'Well, Izuku seemed to be the one doing everything.' Venom said to Anti-Venom '... Shut up.' Anti-Venom told him.

'Make me, walking cumrag!' Venom dared him and Anti-Venom growled at Venom 'When we get back, I'm gonna kick your ass!' Anti-Venom shouted and Venom smirked 'I missed this.' Venom said as Izuku exited the park. People looked on in confusion as he laughed and talked to the symbiotes.

"Kids these days." An old man muttered as Izuku walked past a café. Izuku smiled happily as the Symbiotes argued and talked with one another.






A guard placed a tablet onto his bosses desk, with a photo on it. It showed Izuku at the exact moment he was walking down the street.

"Sir, Experiment #V3n003 has gone back to its original host. We won't be able to extract it from the boy because of their perfect -" A guard was silenced by a man closing his hand."I know, they are all perfect for each other. But, I'll make them an offer they can't refuse." The man told the guard."And, what is that offer, Sir?" The guard asked his boss, who turned around and smirked."Home."

Chapter end

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