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Celine will arrive in Barcelona today. She had finished school two weeks ago and I am very proud of her.

Most of her stuff is already at our apartment since they sent it here. So Evan and I already tried to decorate her room as best as possible.

Evan and I had talked a lot to his grandparents in the last couple of weeks. But now everybody was fine with Celine moving here. We were just all so happy.

We will now pick up Celine from the airport.

"Evan!", i called out. "We need to leave now."

"One second", he called out before he walked over to me, still struggling to pull the tshirt over his head. I still didnt get over his so beautifully sculptured body. He had gained a little weight over the past months so he wasn't t that toned anymore but honestly I liked it even more. Because now it was even cozier to lay in his arms and cuddle with him.

"Come over here, handsome", i grinned and helped him with his shirt real quick. "Lets go."

He nodded and took my hand in his before we left the apartment.

"I'm so happy that she decided to live with us", i said and looked up to Evan while we were waiting at the airport.

"Yeah, me too", he smiled before he reached for my hand again. He seemed to need that extra touch today so I leaned my head against his arm.

We were standing there in silence for a while, just holding hands. I loved holding hands with him.

"There she is", Evan suddenly said and pointed at his little sister who struggled with four huge suitcases.

He chuckled, then started walking towards her, still not letting go of my hand.

That was when Celine noticed us.

"Hiii", she said excited and hugged Evan and me both at the same time.

But since it didnt really work out she went for Evan first and just wrapped her arms around his neck. Evan, as strong as he was, just picked her up so they were at eyesight.

"Hi", he smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Everything okay?"

Celine nodded. "Yeah. I missed you two."

Next Evan let her down again and Celine instantly wrapped her arms around me. "Heyy", i said smiling and hugged her back. "I missed you, beautiful."

"Hi, Camille", Celine just said back, obviously totally overwhelmed.

"Alright, ladies", Evan chuckled. "Lets get out of here."

So we all three went to the exit, each one of us carrying a suitcase.

Back home, Evan and I introduced Celine to her new bedroom.

She got very emotional about that actually. And it was the cutest thing ever. She just stared at the both of us in disbelieve before she just started crying. Evan and I just looked at each other and couldnt help but start to laugh at the same time. That was when she got angry at us, before hugging the living shit out of us.

"We love you Celly", i said softly and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "But I'll love you even more if you tell me where you got your gorgeous clothes from and we'll go shopping together."

That made her chuckle. "Dont worry, I'll tell you", she smiled.

I already knew it was a great decision to have her here.


At night we all sat on the couch, watching movies.

Celine and I had cooked something for dinner earlier and we had eaten all together on the balcony.

Right now I was leaning against my Evan who had layed an arm over my shoulder. Celine's head rested on my thigh.

We were indeed a really good trio. It felt like we had done this so often before already.

I brushed my fingers through Celine's red hair while my other hand was searching for Evans hand that wasn't laying around me.

He intertwined his fingers with mine and began tracing his thumb over my wrist.

"Next week will be your first day of art college, Cel", Evan then said to his little sister.

Yup, she got accepted at an art college here in Barcelona.

"I know...I'm scared", she sighed.

"You got this", i said softly. "And its an english school as well so you dont even have to speak spanish."

She nodded slowly. "I know... It's just—...Never mind."

"Hey, I know exactly how you feel right now. I went through almost the same shit a year ago. But its gonna be alright. And I can assure you, you'll find friends immediately. I just know it."

"Thanks, Camille", she sighed.


"Babe!", I called out when I entered the apartment. "I brought us dinner!"

Celine will eat out today with a new friend she made. So you were actually looking forward to spend some time with Evan.

You stepped out of your shoes and walked over to the kitchen, placed your keys, the bag of food and your purse on the counter.

"Evan!", I called out again. No answer.

So next I looked on the balcony where I found him, peacefully napping on the couch. He actually looked so adorable.

I went over to him and patted him softly to wake him up. "Baby, I brought us some food. You hungry?"

He slowly opened his eyes before he suddenly just grabbed me by my waist and suddenly pulled me down on the couch with him.

"Evan", I groaned. "Come on, I'm hungry."

So i simply wiggled out of his grip and went into the kitchen to grab the food.

When I came back Evan was still lazily laying on the couch.

"Babe!", i said annoyed.

So he slowly sat up and made space for me to sit down.

I just sat down right next to him, curling up against his side before I handed him the bag of food.

We were eating in silence, neither one of us saying anything.

"How was your day?", i asked.

He sighed. "Exhausting."

"Hmm", I hummed. "I went to uni volleyball practice this morning."

"Yeah? How was it?", Evan asked and wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer since we both finished our food.

"Great. It was a lot of fun", i shrugged and smiled up to him. "Feels good to have a hobby."

He chuckled softly. "I love you, baby. I'm so proud of you."

He pressed a kiss to my temple before pulling me onto his lap.

"I love you", i grinned and kissed his lips. He instantly kissed me back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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