Untitled: Part 30

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Falling in love is like a roller coaster ride,

You feel the thrill and excitement in your chest.

You scream and laugh as you go up and down,

You hold on tight to the person right by your side.

Falling in love is like a beautiful sunrise,

You see the colors and light fill  the sky.

You sigh and smile as you watch the new day,

You feel the warmth and joy in your eyes.

Falling in love is like a sweet melody,

You hear the notes and harmony in your ears.

You sing and dance as you listen to the song,

You share the rhythm and tune with your honey.

Falling in love is like a precious gift,

You cherish the meaning and value in your heart.

You give and receive as you show your gratitude,

You celebrate the moment to make it last forever.

In love's tender embrace, you find your soul take flight,

A journey through emotions, pure and shining bright.

Like a leaf in the wind, you're carried by its grace,

Falling into a world where time finds no trace.

With every stolen glance, a symphony begins,

Heartbeat playing melodies, a dance that never dims.

Butterflies in your stomach, like petals falling down,

Whispering secrets of love in the softest moonight.

The world around you blurs, as focus finds its mark,

Eyes locked in a gaze, igniting a spark.

A touch, a brush of fingers, electric and alive,

Setting your heart ablaze, a sensation to live.

In the vast expanse of feelings yet to explore,

Falling in love is a journey, an endless open door.

The laughter and tears, the vulnerability shared,

Building bonds that flourish, showing that we cared.

Yet in this rush of feelings, uncertainty may bloom,

Like petals fragile, love can bring both light and gloom.

But it's in the willingness, to dive, to risk it all,

That we truly learn what it means to stand tall.

So you savor every moment, each heartbeat's sweet refrain,

For falling in love is a treasure, a once-in-a lifetime gain.

A thread of emotions, a journey through the inner soul,

A story written in the stars, where two halves become whole.

Yet storms may brew, and challenges may arise,

Love's journey not exempt from cloudy skies.

But holding hands tight, hearts interwined,

The brave, the tempests, leaving doubts behind.

Love also has ugly sides except the beautful side,

Heartbreaks are also part of falling in love.

Hearts might get broken in the process,

But falling in love with yourself is also needed.

You look at yourself in the mirror and smile,

Because you know your true self and heart.

You acknowledge your beauty and flaws,

Don't get hurt because of someone ever.

Falling in love is a tender art, a masterpiece from heaven,

Where two souls bind, never to apart, but apart sometimes.

A tapestry woven with heartfelt emotions and love within,

A symphony of love, from the begining to the very end.

Anthology Of Love(Poetry Collection)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن